I am trying to isntall a feature on one of my sites, that requires this specific vhost to be the default vhost. how would I make one out of a dozen vhosts the default one?
Maybe I am wrong, but I believe you can set specific vhosts parameters in apache directives in control panel.
well, here is the link to the plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-mu-domain-mapping/installation/ and the exact text: I guess what they mean by default vhost, is the vhost that gets called if none other fits!? does that make more sense? I.e. a domain points to this server and then you delete it from the server but the DNS still points here, so where do you land when accessing this domain?
I am playing with wpmu, thats what wordpress.com is using. with this plugin, people can sign up for i.e till.mydomain.com and redirect their own domains i.e. till.de to till.mydomain.com and my wpmu isntallation will catch this so you use your own domain i.e. till.de but use my services at till.mydomain.com. does that make sense to you? I tried the long explanation, but your one sentence could also be simply answered with YES
You could place that vhost manually in your main Apache configuration, right before the file Vhosts_ispconfig.conf is included.
sorry to bump this old thread of mine but I still haven't found a viable solution. can someone explain what I need the Shared-IP vhost for? I was thinking along the lines, that maybe I could somehow replace it or redirect it to the one I want to have as "default" or "first" vhost.
The shared IP vhost is needed in case that there is a misconfiguration of a vhost in your system. You can add other pages in the document root of this vhots if you dont like the default page.
ok, I think I understand now. can you advise how I would dealre another vhost the default instead of the shared IP vhost? Basicallz I want a certain vhost to be the "default" one - is there no other method than falkos advise?