How to configure git to be used in a jail dir

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Niubbo75, Sep 18, 2016.

  1. Niubbo75

    Niubbo75 Member

    Hello to all, I'm running a Debian 8 server + ISPConfig 3 installed following the perfect server's guide.
    Now I'm in need to grant ssh access to a specific user, I have added him on ISPConfig and he could log in via SSH but he can't run git.
    I have jk_cp git and all other stuff named git* in /usr/bin to his jaill dir, all runs good but git pull will not run anymore:
    $ git pull
    git: 'pull' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
    Did you mean this?
    other commands runs till now are ok (e.g. he can run git fetch and git clone w/out issues).
    Anyone had have this kind of problem and had solved it?
  2. Did you add ALL git binaries and libraries as well??
    jk_cp -v -j /home/jail/  /usr/bin/git*
    jk_cp -j /home/jail/  /usr/lib/git-core/*
    Niubbo75 likes this.
  3. Niubbo75

    Niubbo75 Member

    You are right!
    I have forgot to add "*" at the end of jk_cp strings, now it work like a charm!
    I have do the same also for drush but it seems to need some other stuff to get it work properly, I'll try myself and in case I'll post a request here in a new 3D.
    Thankyou very much for the help!

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