How to create mail account only clients with ISPConfig3

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Sven Nielsen, Apr 23, 2015.

  1. Sven Nielsen

    Sven Nielsen New Member

    I would like to know, if it is possible and which would be the best/correct way to create individual clients that are "mail account only" users, i.e. they should be allowed to create 1 to x mail accounts on a shared domain, say, which belongs to their reseller and on which other mail only clients might also create mail accounts. They might also be allowed to create mail aliases, forwardings, fetchmails mailing lists, etc. In essence, I want to provide a feature rich e-mail account to individuals.

    Big problem here is, they should NOT be able to create or (even worse) change/delete existing mail domains, since the are using a shared domain.

    I have not found a way yet to allow several clients to "use" a domain for mail accounts, while not allowing them to change the domain itself.

    Any ideas, thoughts on this?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    A domain is always bound to a client, so you cant share it between several clients. But you can setup such a system by using the ispconfig remote api and do your own permission checks in your application.
  3. Sven Nielsen

    Sven Nielsen New Member

    Thanks for the answer, Till!

    After checking the web interface and having a closer look at the mysql tables in phpmyadmin, I actually managed to create something like a "shared domain" with a manual hack:

    1. In sys_group table, created an independant group called "shared_domains".
    2. In web interface, created a standard mail domain, belonging to a reseller.
    3. Then, in mail_domain table I changed domain group ownership to the id of group shared_domains and also restricted sys_perm_group to "ru".
    3. Now, I create a client with mail domain and mail alias domain limit of 0, but with mail account limit 5 etc., and then, I add this client to the group shared_domains, voilá.
    4. This client will not see any mail domain options in the UI, but, he can still add mail accounts with the domain choice "" presented in the domain field for the mail account ;)

    As long as these manual sql edits wont get overridden by ISPConfig, that is almost exactly the situation required for "Mail account only" users.

    Would this make for a nice feature request? As these changes were quite easy, it is perhaps also easy to implement a "Shared domain" option that resellers would be able to select when creating mail domains, and afterward selecting which of their clients get access to the shared domain..

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