How to Enable Remote User for Soap

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Dark Magician, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Dark Magician

    Dark Magician New Member

    I've bought a webapplication to enable billing and tickiting in conjunction with ISPConfig but I can't connect to SOAP with the Remote Client.
    I'm running an up-to-date Debian 8 with the latest ISPCONFIG installed with the "Perfect Server Setup".
    The demands for this web app are:
    • Apache or IIS
    • PHP 5.3.x or higher (PHP modules: ioncube 4.7, cURL, mod_rewrite, SOAP client, PDO)
    • MySQL 4 or higher
    The only thing I needed to install was ionCube but this worked like a charm.
    The SOAP connection get's made from the software but when "processing" it somehow stops. The supplier states that there is "something" wrong with my SOAP setup but I can't seem to find it... When running the following debug script:
    $api_uri     = 'ispconfigurl:portnumber';
    $user         = 'remoteusername';
    $pass         = 'goodpassword';
    $client = new SoapClient(null, array(    'location' => $api_uri . '/remote/',
                                           'uri'      => $api_uri . '/remote/',
                                           'trace' => 1,
                                           'exceptions' => 1));
        if($session_id = $client->login($user,$pass))
            echo '<br />connected';
    catch (SoapFault $e)
    echo 'could not connect';
    I then get an Connected Could Not connect message which means the first part of the code is working (the connection to the server with the credentials). This is also verified when using a faulty password I get "password unknown" so this means the connection is there.

    It's the second part of the code thats giving an "could not connect" message.
    catch (SoapFault $e)
    echo 'could not connect';
    Does someone know what settings to change to let the SOAP connection do it's job?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Do you use a self signed ssl cert for the ispconfig interface? current php ersions wil not connect by soap with a self signed cert without specifiyng explicitly in the php soap call that self signed certs are allowed.
  3. Dark Magician

    Dark Magician New Member

    I do use a self signed certificate, however when using http on a different port I get the same result... Or does SOAP needs to have HTTPS?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    It should work with http.

    And you created a remote user under System > Remote users in ispconnfig?
  5. Dark Magician

    Dark Magician New Member

    N.V.M. Works on the server with a normal certificate (didn't have it on my test server). Thanks Till for the heads up :)

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