How to get openvz (vserver) set up after Debian 8 fresh install

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Dan_mik, Dec 22, 2015.

  1. Dan_mik

    Dan_mik New Member


    I have used ISPconfig for a few servers in the past, but never noticed the new vserver function added.
    So I just installed ISPconfig 3 on a new debian 8 (jessie) server, following the perfect server guide "The Perfect Server – Debian 8 Jessie (Apache2, BIND, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3)"
    I can't find much info on how to get the vserver installed and working, which is a neat future I would really like to get up and running.
    All I can find is the guide for Debian 6, and the forums posts I can find seem to have trouble getting it to work after updating to Debian 8.

    My first guess is to install the openvz package for debian 8, but I'm not sure if it is supposed to be installed now and then used with ISPconfig, or if I am supposed to install it on a clean server and then create a virtual server to run ISPconfig in. (This was a little bit confussing when I tried reading about the installation on debian 6)
    So before I just do a lot of trial and error, I would just like to know what the best method is of getting this to run on ISPconfig3 with debian 8?

    Do i need to start over and install the openvz first, as I read from the older guides that it had a different kernel? I basically don't know if I can run a "normal server" with all the web packages and ISPconfig installed, and then have openvz running along side this, or the entire server needs to be an "openvz server", and ISPconfig needs its own vserver to run in.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There is no OpenVZ Kernel for Debian 8 yet, so you can't OpenVZ on Debian 8.

    In any case, you can not run OpenVZ on a hosting server that runs websites (aka perfect server guide) as the openvz kernel collides with Linux system quota. so If you like to use OpenVZ then you have to setup a OpenVZ server like this:

    (with Debian 7 instead of 6 these days).

    And then add a virtual machine in OpenVZ where you host websites.

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