i am stuck at a certain part of the howto for ease i have given the full text in a pastebin you can see at the end of the text where i am stuck i am asked To set up default DE for the VNC server, you'll need to modify/re-create the file 'xstartup' on the directory '~/.vnc'. This script will be automatically executed when the VNC server is running. mv ~/.vnc/xstartup ~/.vnc/xstartup.bak nano ~/.vnc/xstartup there is no xstartup in vcn
Hello, You don't said so much about your system version, etc. I don't know if this would realy help you, but that what I did to get VNC Server with Debian 11.5 with graphic interface installed. It is fully functional. I used part of this one : Code: https://techviewleo.com/configure-realvnc-server-and-client-on-debian/ 0.1. Log in as root or run Code: su - 0.2. Or if no "root" access, add "sudo" in front of each command for the allocation of rights. Start the download of the current version (2022-10-11) Code: wget https://downloads.realvnc.com/download/file/vnc.files/VNC-Server-6.11.0-Linux-x64.deb Start the installation of the *.deb : Code: dpkg -i VNC-Server-6.11.0-Linux-x64.deb Enable both services: Code: systemctl enable vncserver-virtuald.service systemctl enable vncserver-x11-serviced.service Start the two services : Code: systemctl start vncserver-virtuald.service systemctl start vncserver-x11-serviced.service Activate the "Enterprise" license: (2022-10-11) Code: vnclicense -add xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx Launch "RealVNC" : Code: vncserver Connect with a VNC viewer with the distant IP / domain name By defaulf the port is (have to be changed after the first connexion) : Code: 5900 After the first connexion, I did all setting I need with VNC Server. Regards, Vincente.