I installed Nextcloud according to this tutorial: https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-nextcloud-with-ispconfig/ Work like charm! I still want to make some cosmetic adjustments, especially to remove the index.php in the sharing Link. the current link is >> https://nextcloud.domain.com/index.php/s/xxxxxxxxxx to https://nextcloud.domain.com/s/xxxxxxxxxx There is a way if you have a Nextcloud server Installation, but I do not know if I can go this path, within the ISPC Server. May somebody has an idea to fix this! Thank you!
See https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/s...allation/source_installation.html#pretty-urls This can be followed safely.
Thanks! How I give the webserver write access to the config directory of nextcloud in order to be able to make this changes!
When I try to update .htaccess sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:update:htaccess i receive an error "Cannot write into "config" directory! This can usually be fixed by giving the webserver write access to the config directory".
You need to change www-data to the web user of that web. You can find this ID in the ISPConfig UI. If the ID would be 14, the command would be Code: sudo -u web14 php /var/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:update:htaccess
May I set a wrong permission to apply write, I am scared to destroy the server, even I have a backup! I applied this: chown -R "User" /var/www/clients/clientX/webXX/web/nextcloud/ and this: sudo -u webXX php /var/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:update:htaccess I get the Error: Could not open input file: /var/www/nextcloud/occ
Your path is incorrect, /var/www/nextcloud/occ should be /var/www/example.com/web/occ (replace example.com with your website address)