How to Remove Your IP from gmail Blacklist

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by nokia80, Apr 14, 2012.

  1. Tuumke

    Tuumke Active Member

    Do you have your ISPC as primary NS?

    Back on track for you google issue... im out of ideas :O
    Can you deliver to

    Maybe register for postmaster tools?

    Also try:
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2017
  2. sciadm

    sciadm New Member

    Do you have your ISPC as primary NS?
    Yes, my domain has been registered to dyndns and the primary DNS is one of dyndns server. No way to change this setting... or I'm wrong ?

    Back on track for you google issue... im out of ideas :O Can you deliver to

    I have registered to Then looking for my domain I found something helpfull: they are 2 IP listed as sender of email. This confirm that I was in open relay before I fix it. The report gives me 2 sender addresses... mine and an unknown address. This unknown address was probably used during my open relay issue.
    My conclusion: google is looking for such report and wait may be up to 30 days until its report looks correct (w/o any doubfull sender IP address). Based on my postfix logs, the last open relay issue was around middle feb, so I have to wait until middle of March... Wait and See !

    Anyway many thanks for your help!
  3. Tuumke

    Tuumke Active Member

    Hm 2 adresses? Thats strange...

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