Hi there, Recenty I installed a 2nd server for a customer. It is a CentOS 7.2 running latest version of ISPconfig on NginX. The server runs only a few websites which should all become SSL. I'm used to add the website to the system without www and set (if requested by client) the auto subdomain to www to make sure the site works on www subdomain. As I only have 1 wildcard SSL domain running on my existing server and this new server will runs several different domains all with their own SSL, I'm confused. Last week I ordered a Comodo Unified Communications certificate with 4 domains included (subdomains are called domains). The first i wanted to install was the www version of the domain. As I mentioned before, I always ad domain/website to ISPconfig on domain itself (domain.ext) and use the auto suddomain www to run this site on www.domain.ext. I created the CSR based on that. When the certifcate was validated and confirmed, I filled the other SSL fields within ISPconfig for this website but the the certificate failed. Thinking about that, it made sense because it was made on domain.ext instead of the actual www.domain.ext. What is the correct way of doing these steps? Should I always create the site based on the (sub) domain it will run in the end? The main reason to create the site on domain.ext and use the auto subdomain option was to include both www and non www to 1 vhost is my experience. Hope the question is clear enough for an answer. Regards Ralph
if you use ISPConfig 3.1, you can easily request a ssl cert for each website by simply checking a checkbox.
The steps in this tutorial require the user to have root privileges. You can see how to set that up in the Initial Server Setup Tutorial in steps 3 and 4. Apache should already be installed and running on your VPS. If this is not the case, you can download it with this command: sudo apt-get install apache2