Hi, I have been using ispconfig during a year or so and I need to say it's is simply wonderful. It helps me a lot to keep my sites sorted and update them with a few simple clicks. So first at all thanks a lot for the brave work done. ;-) After this, I like to submit a "feature request" that I belive will make our work with ispconfig a little bit more comfortable. As the title of this post suggest, I'm love to see ispconfig accepting htaccess files. I saw tones of post that simply won't exists if ispconfig allows .htaccess files on sites as far as quite all web applications include a personalized .htaccess to implement "clean urls" or restrict access to files. Certainly, removing .htaccess and move it's content to Apache Directives isn't a huge task, but it's annoying and very confusing for newbies. I'm unsure about the development, but would be wonderfull if each site includes a check box titled "accept .htaccess" (checked by default). Personally I really interested in a secure ispconfig (running suPHP) but I don't know how difficult will be implementing this on suPHP scenarios. This is what suPHP people says: Thanks a lot for your wonderful development, m.
ISPConfig supports and allows .gtaccess files. Probably you just missed to allow the nescessary settings in the apache.conf file in the AllowOverride statement.
A RTFM with a link for a ispconfig+suPHP installation will be highly appreciated. BTW, how I do need to undestand what suPHP people says: "suPHP does not support the php_value/php_admin_value directive". Thanks Till for your help, m.
Hi Falko, What is the solution for suPHP users that need php_values? I puth the most common in the php.ini of the php-cgi so I have less issues.. But for some sites I need special php_values such as include paths to special modules/plugins..?