I set up the ubuntu server using apache2 and did not choose to install ispconfig. How do I enable the server to accept https also?
Sorry i don't know much about that flavor of linux but you have to have a ssl installed on the sever for it to work in https. Here is a site i hope will help you with that task. http://www.tc.umn.edu/~brams006/selfsign_ubuntu.html
Why not ISPConfig? Why not ISPConfig? It manages a lot of tasks for you. Also setup a SSL certificate for a website. If you have done Falko's "Perfect server" setup for Ubuntu i would give it a try if i was you. ISPConfig is really nice and via this forum, support is great! Hans
I dont like ISPCONFIG. I tried it and it made alot of things more difficult. My main site wouldnt run php and most importanly i couldnt change the doccumentroot to /home/user_name. Plus I am only running one website.
That happens because ISPConfig disables PHP globally so that it can later on enable PHP on a per-site basis. If PHP wasn't disabled globally, then all web sites would be able to run PHP scripts, no matter what you specify in ISPConfig. If you set up your main web site again through ISPConfig and enable PHP for it, then everything should be fine.