Now it is at 3.1 and won't let me login with my accounts. It blew up during upgrade process while reloading servers and gave me a syntax error of (else) and wouldn't continue. Didn't write it down as I thought it was no big deal. Well here I am with a broken login. HELP!!!
1) Delete cookies and empty the browser cache. Close the browser and open it again. 2) Don't worry about the syntax error, that's ok and does not harm.
I did and now I can login but my billing module disappeared. Did I lose all that or do I just need to reinstall the billing module?
The billing module 1.4 does not work with ISPConfig 3.1 as ispconfig 3.1 has a completely new UI. You have to install the Billing 2.0 update.
Seems as if the database scheme has not been updated correctly. is the mysql root password in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf correct?
passwords are set correctly. How do I drop back to the previous version? I'm thinking I need to reinstall. If I retain the database is it going to create a problem? And is it still
There is a uninstall script but dont use it as it will wipe out ispconfig and that's not what you want here. Go to the /var/backup folder, there you find a backup of your ISPConfig installation that was taken right before the update. run: cp etc.tar.gz / cp ispconfig_software.tar.gz / cd / tar xfz etc.tar.gz tar xfz ispconfig_software.tar.gz finally drop the dbispconfig database and import the ispconfig_db_backup.sql