i mess up everything from the start

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by maileh, Sep 11, 2014.

  1. maileh

    maileh Member

    I upgrade all slave server on my clustered setup, not by runnging the ispconfig update script but by removeing all dbispconfig db and ispconfig user and also /usr/local/ispconfig, and do a new install of the latest version.
    What happens i after each server install , then i add is to the panel , but there's the problem, the existing detail on the panel cannot replicate to the slaves, either i did not finish the update or anything like that.

    Then lastly i update my panel server a i did above, and here is the main problem, i use tar pcf to zip my ispconfig folder but when run tar zxvf file.tar.gz it result with un recoverable message .... in addition to that after dumping my dbispoconfig db to the new emtpy dbisconfig db and access to panel webpage ... their's whole lot's of php code appear even i cannot logi .... anybody have any idea before i redo my whole setup ....... ????
  2. srijan

    srijan New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    It seems that that the zip archive was not done successfully.
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    What you did is not an update. you simply destroyed all servers by removing their databases.

    Thats what you can expect when you destroy the slave databases. The master recognizes them as empty or damaged and will not replicate data until you restore the original databases that match the data series of the master.

    If you want to update a ispconfig system, then NEVER remove any files or databases. Just run the ispconfig_update.sh script as described in the update instructions.

    This means that your tar.gz file is damaged.

    Maybe the ispconfig version that you installed now and the ispconfig version where you put the dump were not the same.
  4. maileh

    maileh Member

    thanks srijan for your kind reply appreciate that ...
    are you aware that it can be recovered or not ????
    i think this is the danger of trying to shortcut, i did not read the forums regarding update/upgrade ispconfig, anyway the good part is i manage to make sure the service is running smoothly , and now i have to rebuild my whole setup ... i'll wait another day and see if someone have an idea or else i have no other choice but to redo the whole setup again.

  5. maileh

    maileh Member

    thanks srijan for your kind reply appreciate that ...
    are you aware that it can be recovered or not ????
    i think this is the danger of trying to shortcut, i did not read the forums regarding update/upgrade ispconfig, anyway the good part is i manage to make sure the service is running smoothly , and now i have to rebuild my whole setup ... i'll wait another day and see if someone have an idea or else i have no other choice but to redo the whole setup again.


    I attache the screen shot when accessing the new ispconfig version

    Attached Files:

  6. maileh

    maileh Member

    the ispconfig version i upgrade to is the latest. All my slave and lastly the panel i upgrade to it.

    Anyway what is your best advice, do you think any chance that i can recover from this otherwise i will redo my setup again.
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Regarding the sql issues: it seems as if you restred a old database on a new ispconfig install. so your database layout does not match the installed ispconfig version, its just too old. To fix that, you will have to do a correct update:

    Download the ispconfig tar.gz, unpack it, run the update.php script in the install folder and let the updater reconfigure your system.
  8. maileh

    maileh Member

    do i have to reconfigure permission in master database or no
  9. maileh

    maileh Member

    I did this to my panel server and PAM !!!! i am able to access to it on a normal view ...... ;)

    for the rest of the slave, shall i re run the update.php???in each of them, and maybe this will allow me to edit my pre existing data on the panel before i re install them as mention ealier ???...

    please confirm before i do that ?????:)
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    In your case you should choose yes. Normally you would choose yes on one of the slaves, it does not matter whch one as the function updates the permissions for all slaves.
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    you should run a update on the slaves as well. Then you should try to find a copy of the slave databases. If you dont have one, then you can copy the content of the master database to the slaves. its not ideal biút it might work.
  12. maileh

    maileh Member

    I will rerun update.php to all my slave server and will update later ...;)
  13. maileh

    maileh Member

    i did backup all slave dbispconfig database and i have already restore all of them, the only thing i have'nt done is

    1. re run updade.php which i will do now
    2. How about the ispconfig folder, do i have to copy back the old ones which i manually back up or shall i leave the current one which hold the files for the latest ispconfig version which i reinstall ....
  14. maileh

    maileh Member

  15. maileh

    maileh Member

    again this is the error i got on all my slave server

    ERROR - Replication failed. Error: (client) in MySQL server: (localhost) Unknown column 'gender' in 'field list'

    any hint to solve this issue ???
  16. srijan

    srijan New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Once an archive gets corrupted cann't be recovered without its original content:(
  17. maileh

    maileh Member

    not a problem srijan ... i have passwed that hurdle ... now m issue is the is a common error on all slave server ispconfig log file

    ERROR - Error in Replication, changes were not processed.

    i also find this in that same log file ...

    -> mysqli_query Unknown column 'gender' in 'field list'
    12.09.2014-09:24 - ERROR - Replication failed. Error: (client) in MySQL server: (localhost) Unknown column 'gender' in 'field list'

    any hint ,

    I have update all my ispconfig to the latest version both the slaves and the master.

  18. maileh

    maileh Member

    i check on the dbispconfig database there is no gender field on client table, i guess this error reporting that,

    i then check on /ispconfig3_install/install/sql/ispconfig3.sql that there is a line there to create a field on table client with name gender.

    My guess is this dbispconfig database i have i was created with the older isoconfig version therefore it does not have this field while my installing the newer version has this gender, but because i restore the original database , therefore it's overrite with it's older setting and remove the gender field therefore the /usr/local/ispconfig/server/server.sh of the newer version report this error becaue my current dataabse has no gender field.

    Suggestion and please someone confirm it ...

    1. i have to backup my current dbispconfig, remove the dbispconfig database and run install again to have the newer version of the database format which i guess it will have this field and find a way to fill that newer database version with data from older database version.

    in that case not only it will have my previous db data, also with htis new field such as gender for instance.

    2. or is there is another way to update my older db structure with the newer structure ????:confused:
  19. maileh

    maileh Member

    when you say copy the content means to dump the dbispconfig database from the mater to each and every slave server ?....

    i just check that my panel has these mission fields on my slaves server ... i guess it's db has been the newer version ....:(
  20. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    all servers in a cluster have to use the same ispconfig version. same ispconfig version means that all servers are updated or installed with the same version by using the ispconfig update or install script. so if one of your database layouts differs, then either you did not update the server by using the correct script or you replaced its database with a older one after install or update which means that you have to update again to fix your server.

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