Yes, I have read this: But I'm a Centos's / Fedora user and I have try help you to support more and better this distro. This is my procedure to install metronome on Centos 7.2: Code: # Metronome XMPP yum -y install prosody libidn libidn-devel libidn2 libidn2-devel lua-filesystem openssl-devel lua-expat lua-bitop lua-socket lua-sec luarocks lua-devel libevent-devel git # Open 9418 outgoing port on firewall for git luarocks install lpc luarocks install luaevent luarocks install lua-zlib useradd --no-create-home --shell=/bin/nologin -c ‘Metronome’ metronome cd /opt git clone metronome cd ./metronome ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-lua-include=/usr/include/ make make install cp -a /etc/metronome/metronome.cfg.lua /etc/metronome/metronome.cfg.lua.orig # Enablei metronome services ( cat << EOF [Unit] Description=Metronome Server XMPP [Service] Type=forking User=metronome Group=metronome ExecStart=/usr/bin/metronomectl start ExecStop=/usr/bin/metronomectl stop ExecReload=/usr/bin/metronomectl reload PIDFile=/var/run/metronome/ Restart=always [Install] EOF ) | tee /usr/lib/systemd/system/metronome.service systemctl enable metronome.service systemctl start metronome.service All seem work fine and service is on. But like the initial disclaim say, probably the install procedure is not ready to setup it on Centos 7 with systemd because it try to create a systemV service into /etc/init.d/metronome. And I stop here, I'm not a php programmer, and I can't help you to find how to modify install. The only thing I have do before run ispconfig setup is this: Code: # ISPconfig cd /tmp wget tar xfz ISPConfig-3-stable.tar.gz cd ispconfig3_install/install/ ( cat << EOF --- ./lib/installer_base.lib.php.orig 2016-10-18 13:04:40.210396460 +0200 +++ ./lib/installer_base.lib.php 2016-10-18 13:04:51.998396348 +0200 @@ -1640,9 +1640,9 @@ } // Copy init script - caselog('cp -f apps/metronome-init /etc/init.d/metronome', __FILE__, __LINE__); - caselog('chmod u+x /etc/init.d/metronome', __FILE__, __LINE__); - caselog('update-rc.d metronome defaults', __FILE__, __LINE__); + //caselog('cp -f apps/metronome-init /etc/init.d/metronome', __FILE__, __LINE__); + //caselog('chmod u+x /etc/init.d/metronome', __FILE__, __LINE__); + //caselog('update-rc.d metronome defaults', __FILE__, __LINE__); exec($this->getinitcommand($conf['xmpp']['init_script'], 'restart')); php -q install.php EOF ) | patch -p0 But when the install procedure work, at the end of metronome ssl certificate generation write this: Code: Configuring Metronome XMPP Server writing new private key to 'localhost.key' .... Failed to restart .service: Unit name .service is not valid. Another issue I have found after ispconfig is installed with metronome is generate from the empty folder /etc/metronome/hosts/. This generate a metronome configuration error and service do not start because missing at least one VirtualHost I have resolve this issue whit this hack: Code: echo 'VirtualHost "localhost"' > /etc/metronome/hosts/localhost.cfg.lua systemctl restart metronome.service Someone have some suggest to try modify the ispconfig setup procedure to allow the metronome support also to Centos 7.2? I'm available to do some test on a new server to be installed. Many thanks for your reply Dario Lesca