Install privacyIDEA on an existing Ubuntu+ISPConfig

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by zkvvoob, Apr 10, 2016.

  1. zkvvoob

    zkvvoob Member


    I have a Ubuntu 14.04/Apache2 server with ISPConfig installed and several vhosts, some of them already with SSL certificates, all running smoothly. Half an hour ago I tried installing privacyIDEA following their official documentation ( However, when the installation finished, all my websites (including ISPConfig) were no longer available or giving SSL errors.

    Could anyone help me with pointers what I should do in order to get privacyIDEA installed without screwing with my existing setup and, if possible, to make its web interface available only on the local network?

    Thanks a lot in advance!
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2016

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