
Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by PHASER8, Jan 25, 2006.

  1. PHASER8

    PHASER8 New Member

    I followed the how to on The Perfect Setup - Fedora Core 4 and found it very useful, I decided to install ISPconfig and have had no trouble until the end.

    When I am asked to input the 'IP address of the ISPConfig web' every time I enter an IP it tells me the IP does not exist. I thought I am supposed to enter an IP that was not currently being used. Now I know the default is but that is currently set for my router to edit the settings in my router and I do not want to have it conflict with that.
    Am I supposed to input the IP of the server or am I missing something?

    I'm fairly new to this and I'd rather ask the questions instead of messing something up and causing more issues later on.


    ** I've decided to go with VHCS instead for now, it looks like it has more features and more 'GUI stuff'. Has anyone ever got VHCS to work in FC4? The docs to install it for FC4 are incomplete and I doubt the ones for FC3 are cross compatible with FC4.
    Could someone possibly post a link to a guide that explains how to instal VHCS in FC4 if any exist
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2006
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You must specify the server's IP address. It's the one you see when you run ifconfig on the command line (not, but the other one ;) ).

    What other features does it have?

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