Installation requirement help for ispconfig tool

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by gg234, Aug 25, 2005.

  1. gg234

    gg234 New Member


    I am new to ispconfig tool.I want to implement this in my company

    The requirements are as follows

    Operating System: Linux (Kernel 2.4 or later with glibc6) (the following distributions are supported: Mandrake Linux starting from version 8.1, Red Hat Linux starting from version 7.3, Fedora Core 1 - 4, SuSE Linux starting from version 7.2 and Debian starting from version 3.0 )

    Apache Webserver version 1.3.12 or later / 2.0.40 or later

    Sendmail or Postfix


    Quota Package

    ProFTP as standalone version or vsftpd as inetd/xinetd/standalone version

    Php 4.0.5 or newer as Apache module

    MySQL data base

    a POP3/IMAP daemon that supports either the traditional Unix-Mailbox format (e.g. gnu-pop3d, qpopper, ipop3d, popa3d or vm-pop3d) or the Maildir format (e.g. Courier-Imap)

    OpenSSL and mod_ssl for the creation of SSL virtual hosts

    BIND8 / BIND9

    iptables or ipchains

    We have already running DNS server and mail serverin some other machines so i need to install these again or not required and how to proceed

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can use other DNS servers and mail servers, but the DNS and mail packages have to be installed on the ISPConfig machine because otherwise ISPConfig won't install.

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