Hi, just posting a thread to see if anyone out there actually installs Linux in the same way I do ??? I do a bare minimal install of my Linux then. I use a USB stick and basically create a .sh script for my entire installation. So all I need to do is mount the USB stick then run the .sh file which intern does my apt-get's and also on the stick i have a folder with my config files such as samba, firewall, networking etc... I even have two more folders with my mysql and webdocs in which i copy over. Then a simple reboot and its alive. I'm not sure if this is a great way of doing things but it works for me and it rules out my memory forgetting things. Does any one else do this kind of thing? I would be interested to know what ways other people do things??
If you want to install the same setup on different systems over and over again, FAI might be of interest: http://www.informatik.uni-koeln.de/fai/