I have been trying for some time to get mono to work on ubuntu hoary hedgehog (amd64) with no luck. The install works fine but when i try to run monodevelop i get: System.DllNotFoundException: libgnomeui-2.so.0 in (wrapper managed-to-native) Gnome.Modules:libgnomeui_module_info_get () in <0x0000b> Gnome.Modules:get_UI () in <0x00440> MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.IdeStartup:Run (System.String[] args) in <0x00169> MonoDevelop.Core.AddIns.AddInService:StartApplication (System.String addinId, System.String[] parameters) there is a libgnomeui-2.so.0 in /usr/lib so i dont know whats wrong. any suggestions? -niC
I think that applications on 64-bit systems try to find the libraries in /usr/lib64, not /usr/lib. You can try this: Code: ln -s /usr/lib/libgnomeui-2.so.0 /usr/lib64/libgnomeui-2.so.0