Installing On A Semi Configured Debian Box!?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by k31th, Jun 28, 2006.

  1. k31th

    k31th New Member


    I have a semi configured debian box, and have used NSD (not bind). Every thing else seems to match up nicely with the "perfect debian sarge howto".

    I have apache and nsd setup, is it still possible to use ispconfig ?

    Could i just backup these /etc/nsd and /etc/apache2 to my home dir and install ? then replace the files if any thing breaks ?

    Thanks In Advance !

  2. k31th

    k31th New Member

    Can i just configure NSD by hand ?
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    No, you must replace NSD with BIND, otherwise ISPConfig will not install.

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