Installing on a x86_64 based system?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by hkaiser, Aug 16, 2005.

  1. hkaiser

    hkaiser Member


    The ftp server funtionate now. Thanks very much for the help. Seems to be an gerneral problem of proftp and fedora. I reinstalled the whole system and installed proftp first. After i tried the proftp setup and it worked.

    If have some questions concering adding modules to the web server. Where I have to do the modules like mod_python etc that the right web server find the modules. And which httpd.conf file i have to edit? Is it possible some how to turn them on or off out of ISPConfig.

    Does a software installer to install php/perl packages exist in or for ISPConfig?
    Something like Fantastico for cPanel or Elefante Installer from or the installer from SW-Soft!

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    In ISPConfig you can simply install the apache modules from fedora, this wont break ISPConfig.

    Other controlpanels come with their own apache, so you cant use the software and apache modules from the linux distro with them. This has both pros and cons. Maybe we switch with ISPConfig in later versions to a similar approach because it might make the installation easier.
  3. hkaiser

    hkaiser Member


    I have to edit the httpd.conf in /etc/httpd/ directory or in /root/ispconfig/httpd/conf/ ?

    Does there exist a script for installing php-scripts like osCommerce, phpBB, Mambo, Typo3 etc...

  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    In /etc/httpd/; the other one is for the Apache on port 81 where ISPConfig runs on and has nothing to do with the main Apache which serves your web pages.
    Not yet. Maybe in future versions... :)

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