Installing TYPO3 3.8.1 with ISPConfig (SUSE9.3)

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by jaffaizal, Feb 18, 2006.

  1. jaffaizal

    jaffaizal New Member

    No problem with the installation of ISPConfig on my SUSE9.3 :D

    I love TYPO3 as a CMS and have decided on using it for my Portal Hosting services.

    My problem is with installation of TYPO3 3.8.1 (I believe I am not the only one)
    I believe it is a simple problem. It is just that I am not that verse with LINUX being a newbie.

    TYPO3 have two tar file:

    1. typo3_src-3.8.1.tar.gz
    2. quickstart-3.8.1.tar.gz

    Into which folder do we actually untar typo3_src-3.8.1.tar.gz and quickstart-3.8.1.tar.gz?

    When i create a site in ISPConfig. It create the following directory:

    /home/www/ {which is link to the above}

    I tried untar typo3_src-3.8.1.tar.gz and quickstart-3.8.1.tar.gz in /home/www/web10 and then renaming quickstart-3.8.1 to web

    Following message appear when accessing

    "Cannot find configuration. This file is probably executed from the wrong location."

    So, how exactly do we install TYPO3 on the same server with ISPConfig?

    Any assistance is appreciated.

    Jaf Faizal:rolleyes:
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There are two possible methods. The easiest solution to get started is to use the dummy .zip package from typo3 that dont use symlinks.

    1) Go to the directory web directory:

    cd /home/www/web10/web

    2) Download the typo3 package:


    3) Unzip the package:


    4) Move the contents to the web directory and delete the empty directory:

    cd dummy-3.8.1
    mv * ../
    cd ../
    rmdir dummy-3.8.1

    Thats all, now you can proceed with making some directorys writable for Typo3 and start the web installation tool.

    I always use the dummy package instead of the quickstart package to start a new website.

    The installation with the source package and the dummy or quickstart package is similar, but you will have to check if the symlinks point to the correct directory after moving them.
  3. jaffaizal

    jaffaizal New Member

    Installation of typo3 looks using the dummy package looks ok.
    Going thru the 1-2-3 setup of typo3.

    Hanging at Step1.
    I think it is because of directories rights. Which directory and what is the command?

    Do I have to create the database in ISPConfig first before using here? Then use that UID/PWD in step1?

    Thanks for all the help guys.
    Jaf Faizal
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Yes, you should create an empty database with ISPConfig first. Then use the database user and password that belong to this database.
  5. jaffaizal

    jaffaizal New Member

    TYPO3 and setting directories rights

    Did what you instructed, Now, got the following error message:

    /home/www/web13/web/typo3conf/localconf.php is not writable!

    How do i set the directory right privileges?

    What do I need to do to get access to my ISPconfig page remotely?
    Do i need to open/allow my TCP port 443 or/and create another entry in my firewall to allow TCP port 81?

  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You must make this file writable by the Apache user, e.g.:
    chown <pache_user> /home/www/web13/web/typo3conf/localconf.php
    chmod 644 /home/www/web13/web/typo3conf/localconf.php
    Or you simply make it world-writable:
    chmod 777 /home/www/web13/web/typo3conf/localconf.php
    Port 443 has nothing to do with ISPConfig.
    IS the server behind a router? Then you must forward port 81 from your router to your ISPConfig server.
  7. jaffaizal

    jaffaizal New Member

    TYPO3 not recognising admin/password login


    I've got typo3 to go thru the 1-2-3 installation steps. At the end of Step3 it just redirect to a blank screen.

    So when I type in the again... it shows me an error message:

    No pages are found on the rootlevel!

    if I type to go to the BE. It shows up the login screen.
    Problem is I cannot login with the default UID/PWD of admin/password. Why?

    I used as the hostname during the 1-2-3 installation steps. Did I do something wrong? ( used both dummy and testsite zip package)

    Your help has been much appreciated.

    Jaf Faizal:(
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This is not a real error. It shows only that you have not configured any templates in Typo3 yet.

    Please check with phpmyadmin if the typo3 installer has created database tables inside the database.

    Thats OK.
  9. jaffaizal

    jaffaizal New Member


    In my previous TYPO3 installation (ie. without using ISPConfig), after finishing with the install, I should be able to go into the BE with the admin/password UID/PWD.

    Then, I could set the template. But here, I can't even login. What could be the error? I believe it's not the template issues.

    Any other leads?

    Jaf Faizal :eek:
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I know that, but as you posted it i posted the explanation that this is a normal behaviour :)

    Please answer my other question i posted above ;)

  11. jaffaizal

    jaffaizal New Member

    TYPO3 testsite installation error

    My check with phpMyAdmin shows that no table was created. Why?
    Do I need to run the install again?

  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, please try to run the Typo3 installer again and make sure you select the right mysql dump in the 1-2-3 installer.
  13. jaffaizal

    jaffaizal New Member

    Till & Falko,

    TYPO3 installation is working now. Thanks for all the help and patience.
    Excellent work.

    Jaf Faizal Jalaluddin:D

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