IPSconfig3 without pureFTP monitor error

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by sirchuck, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. sirchuck

    sirchuck New Member

    I'm just followed an online guide for installing ISPConfig3 at:

    Ubuntu 14.04, ISPConfig3.0.5.4p4

    I took a few liberties with the guide and decided not to use PureFTP so I didn't install it. However now in ISPConfig3 monitor section it shows an error because it's not installed. Is there a way to turn off monitoring for PureFTP seeing as I don't have it installed? Or should I just install it to remove the error i'm getting.


    State: error (0 unknown, 0 info, 2 warning, 0 critical, 1 error)
    error: One or more needed services are offline
    FTP-Server: Offline

    -- Also do i need to create a new shell user for every site I put on this server? When I created the server I created a login account, but I don't know how to give that login account permissions to access the web folder created by ISPConfig 3.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2014
  2. srijan

    srijan New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    It is strongly recommended by ISPConfig to install Pure-ftpd as ftp client.

    Login in the web-interface of the ISPConfig with admin account
    Goto -->Sites-->Shell user--> Add new shell user.
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Now you will not be able to upload files to your websites. Additionally, it is a system requirement, so by not installing it you will always get a warning on your server due to the incomplete setup.

    No. you should not create a new shell user. Normally a FTP user is enough.

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