IRCD tutorials

Discussion in 'Suggest HOWTO' started by gabrix, Dec 10, 2006.

  1. zcworld

    zcworld New Member

    hey falko
    can you do me a fave and add on the first page of the how to
    <h2> who did what </h2>
    (normal text here )

    Writen / tested by ZcWorld
    helped / tested by Craz1
    Tested by Granddad

    when i tryed i got an error : saying like it was being edited by another user : or something like that

    no problems
    a lot of the thanks goes out to craz1 for looking over my conf files and sending me his private IRC server settings to have a look at :)

    i hope why people hate writing / doing the irc server install / config
    its a KILLER of a job
    and its bites ass when you got problems ... lol

    and at the time
    granddad and i are testing linking servers and services
    so ... we yelling at each other trying to work out the bugs in the linking
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2007
  2. zcworld

    zcworld New Member

    good news / bad news

    good news : i got the two servers + services to link and work
    bad news : arr i dont know how i did it
    so ... arrr sorry : and give me about a week to work it out :)

    server 1 with services server ( nickserv / hostserv so on services )
    .conf file

    username *;
    bind-ip *;
    port *;
    password-connect "service_server";
    password-receive "service_server";
    class servers;
    options {
    # zip;


    server 2 : just an IRCD server

    username *;
    bind-ip *;
    port *;
    hub *;
    password-connect "service_server";
    password-receive "service_server";
    class servers;
    options {
    # zip;

    if you got the brain power to work out why it link please tell me .. coz im out ATM

    screen shot is 989 x 659

    >> click here << 40 KB to load
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2007
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Done. :)

    That's strange. Were you logged in with your username?
  4. zcworld

    zcworld New Member

    i was log in ... with my username
    i was thinking maybe you or anthoer mod was looking / editing the page so thats why i was unable to edit

    but thanks again for adding that :)

    linking status :
    i got 3 IRCD servers up >>>> HUB <<<<
    | | - > services
    | | - > stats server
    |-> >>>> Server 1 <<<
    |-> >>>> Server 2<<<<

    i will post my link files later on for how i did it :) .. at the time they need to be renamed and cleaned up ( the linking names ) and made sure they work :)

    here we go
    my conf file
    hub = well its you HUB / services / status server
    irc1 = Server 1
    irc2 = server 2
    linking files : 27 KB

    they are really just to show you what i did ...

    free tip :
    its saves you life

    /// = about 3 tabs
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2007
  5. zcworld

    zcworld New Member

    i guess i will later on .. like in a week or 3 ... write up an part 2
    to this

    like on how to build
    other services
    and set them up .. ( simple setup ) type of thing ...
    but i think for starters what i did .. will get people off the group

    after all
    im still NEW to running / config an IRCD / services server
    so ... eeek ...eek eeek lol :)
  6. zcworld

    zcworld New Member

  7. kameelperdza

    kameelperdza New Member

    How can i set that anybody can access my irc sever?

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