ISP general manegement setting dont save new setting

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by adrenalinic, May 20, 2006.

  1. adrenalinic

    adrenalinic Member

    I want update info of my server in general tab of Management -> Server -> Setting.

    When i write a new info of my server how Name server, ip address, admin...
    DNS....and any other info of general management
    and click SAVE, isp config not save new setting and display me a empty default value...

    how can write this info directly in config file..who is name of config file???
    can write directly in config file this setting?!!?

    help help!
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Did you do any modifications manually to the database? Did you load the database dump that is included in the ISPConfig installer manually as you installed ISPCOnfig?

    This info is not written to a config file.
  3. adrenalinic

    adrenalinic Member

    i have deleted manualy a duplicate value in different records of database....

    there is a mode for restore db...i dont have recent a backup of database...but have only a old db backup..of same version of ispconfig....

    i have a dump of this db...
    i wold try to restore old db and update manualy any last modify to server....
    can be a solution??
  4. adrenalinic

    adrenalinic Member

    or can insert manualy this value in database??
    and who are recod to insert for restore only general server setting?
  5. tgansert

    tgansert New Member

    Even after reinstall, I am still experiencing this. The Server & IP fields in 'Add New Site' are blank and there is zero I can do about it.
  6. adrenalinic

    adrenalinic Member


    I have resolved!
    Have started my local vps. installed phpmyadmin.
    Have see the value in to mysql db in local vps and have restored to my mysql db on the my machine in housing in datacenter!!!

  7. tgansert

    tgansert New Member

    I restored from backup and I have control back.
  8. adrenalinic

    adrenalinic Member

    but i dont have a backup!
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The values are detected by the installer and are not all accessible in the interface. You can try to insert an empty record in the isp_server database and then set the values in the interface.
  10. adrenalinic

    adrenalinic Member

    i have insert value manualy in mysql db and work fine.
    Thanks for support.

  11. lyncos

    lyncos New Member

    I have the same exact problem

    Hi all,
    I installed ISPconfig on a Debian 3.1 server and i have the same exact problem. The 1st time I installed ispconfig it failed, and now the database seems to be wrong. I appréciate if someone can post a working dump of his database or help me with that problem. The tables isp_* seems to be empty (no rows).

    Thanks all

  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The database can not be created from a dump as the settings in the table are generated dynamically based on your linux installation.

    This problem happens when the ISPConfig installer is not able to create the database because it already existed before from your broken installation attempt.

    Please uninstall ISPConfig by running:


    Then check if the database has been removed in /var/lib/mysql and install ISPConfig again.
  13. lyncos

    lyncos New Member

    When i try to uninstall it dosent seems to do anything look at the output

    server117:~/ispconfig# ./uninstall
    No results found!server117:~/ispconfig#

    in mysql:

    mysql> show databases
    -> ;
    | Database |
    | ispconfig |
    | mysql |
    | test |

    do you have any idea how i can cleanly uninstall ISPconfig ?

  14. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Do this:
    rm -fr /root/ispconfig
    rm -fr /home/admispconfig
    Then connect to your MySQL database:
    mysql -u root -p
    On the MySQL shell, type
    DROP DATABASE ispconfig;

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