I tried the ISP Invoice module for the first time. And i tried to create an invoice. The result was not as it should be. Is it possible to delete an Invoice, which is created by clicking the "Create Invoice" icon within ISPConfig? I have the idea that this is not possible within ISPConfig itself, but can it be done manually by accessing my Debian system with Putty for example? Please let me know how and where. Hans
You can delete the invoices with with phpmyadmin. The invoices are stored in the table isp_afkt_rechnung.
Till, I have phpmyadmin installed on my system. After a login at http://www.mydomain.tld:81/phpmyadmin/ i found the table isp_fakt_rechnung. I removed the invoices succesfully! Thanks. Hans
After removing all invoices, I realized that the first time cost for e.g. setup are not listet again. How to solve this problem? Which ralation is to delete? Example: Webspace1 - setup 9.90 (first time online) monthly fee 6.50 -> invoice -> delete all. 2nd attemp: Webspace1 - Example: monthly fee 6.50
You will ahve to empty the last invoice date field for the items in the invoice tab of the website in ISPConfig. Otherweise ISPConfig thinks that it is billed already and wont bill it again within the selected interval.