ISPConfig 2.2.10 Beta, any bugs known?

Discussion in 'Developers' Forum' started by till, Feb 20, 2007.

  1. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There should be a log /var/log/install_ispconfig.log or ispconfig_install.log
  2. djtremors

    djtremors New Member


    I read through the logs and there's no errors what so ever. Here's the last part of the logs...
    Wed Feb 21 21:02:32 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - Directory /var/www/sharedip created.
    Wed Feb 21 21:02:33 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - Use sharedip_index.html_en as SharedIP default page.
    Wed Feb 21 21:02:33 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - saved /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :02:33 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - saved /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/users
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :02:33 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - saved /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/adminmail.txt
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :02:51 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - created backup of directory /root/ispconfig/
    Wed Feb 21 21:07:38 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - created backup of directory /home/admispconfig/
    Wed Feb 21 21:07:40 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - deleted directory /root/ispconfig/
    Wed Feb 21 21:53:37 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - unpacked ISPConfig system
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :53:38 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - moved directory ispconfig_tmp to /root/ispconfig
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :53:41 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - Connected successfully to db db_ispconfig
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :53:44 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 775dumped old db to file existing_db.sql
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :53:44 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 777moved root_ispconfig.tar.gz to /tmp/root_ispconfig_02_21_2007__21_53_40.tar.gz
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :53:44 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 778moved home_admispconfig.tar.gz to /tmp/home_admispconfig_02_21_2007__21_53_40.tar.gz
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :53:44 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 779copied existing_db.sql to /tmp/existing_db_02_21_2007__21_53_40.sql
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :53:46 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 795read in db_ispconfig.sql
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :53:46 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 802imported existing_db.sql
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :53:46 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 884deleted db_ispconfig.sql
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :53:46 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 885deleted existing_db.sql
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :53:47 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 961copied directory scripts to /root/ispconfig/
    Wed Feb 21 21:53:47 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 962copied directory sv to /root/ispconfig/
    Wed Feb 21 21:53:47 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 965copied directory isp to /root/ispconfig/
    Wed Feb 21 21:53:47 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 966copied cronolog to /root/ispconfig/
    Wed Feb 21 21:53:47 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 967copied cronosplit to /root/ispconfig/
    Wed Feb 21 21:53:47 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 975copied ispconfig_server to /etc/rc.d/init.d
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :53:59 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 989copied directory ispconfig to /home/admispconfig/ispconfig
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:03 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 990chown -R admispconfig:admispconfig /home/admispconfig
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:04 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 993chown -R admispconfig:mysql /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/backup
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:04 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 994chmod -R 770 /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/backup
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:04 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 1180chmod 600 /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:04 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 1181chown admispconfig:admispconfig /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:04 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 1273create /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/Vhosts_ispconfig.conf
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:04 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 1275create /var/log/httpd/ispconfig_access_log
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:05 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 582: /etc/rc.d/init.d/crond restart
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:05 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 1318cp -f adminmail.txt /home/admispconfig/ispconfig
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:05 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 1354mv -/etc/Bastille /etc/Bastille.backup_02_21_2007__21_53_40
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:05 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 1356cp -f isp/conf/bastille-firewall.cfg.master /etc/Bastille/bastille-firewall.cfg
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:05 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 1357chmod 644 /etc/Bastille/bastille-firewall.cfg
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:06 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 1379mv -/etc/rc.d/init.d/bastille-firewall /etc/rc.d/init.d/bastille-firewall.backup_02_21_2007__21_53_40
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:06 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 1380cp -f security/bastille-firewall /etc/rc.d/init.d
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:06 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 1381chmod 700 /etc/rc.d/init.d/bastille-firewall
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:06 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 1383mv -/sbin/bastille-ipchains /sbin/bastille-ipchains.backup_02_21_2007__21_53_40
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:06 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 1384cp -f security/bastille-ipchains /sbin
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:06 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 1385chmod 700 /sbin/bastille-ipchains
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:06 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 1387mv -/sbin/bastille-netfilter /sbin/bastille-netfilter.backup_02_21_2007__21_53_40
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:06 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 1388cp -f security/bastille-netfilter /sbin
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:06 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 1389chmod 700 /sbin/bastille-netfilter
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:06 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - /root/ISPConfig2/install_ispconfig/install.phpLine 1435delete /root/ispconfig/
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:09 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - httpd restart successful
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:16 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - postfix restart successful
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:26 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - file /root/ispconfig/ deleted
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:41 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - directory install_ispconfig deleted
    Wed Feb 21 21
    :54:41 EST 2007 - [ISPConfig] - ##############################
  3. djtremors

    djtremors New Member

    I just did a reinstall of ISPC 2.2.10 and the exact thing happened. Luckily this time I did a full backup of the database and restored it.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There is no error in the log. I Updated several servers from our clients with different linux distributions yesterday without any problems. I currently have no idea why it fails on your system.
  5. djtremors

    djtremors New Member

    Is there some way I can manually update the database without having to butcher the install scripts but enough to make the upgrade possible?
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    That would be very difficult if you don't know exactly what you're doing... :(
  7. djtremors

    djtremors New Member

    well how about you surprise me. most likely an insert field here and there i'm sure.
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I mean *very* difficult - so diffcult I don't know myself without taking a look at the source code of the installer.
  9. djtremors

    djtremors New Member

    I've been going through whats causing my "php safe mode" options to dissappear and I got to this point you might be able to help me figure out why it's like this after the 2.2.10 episodes..

    in isp_web class, I've had to comment out the line
                    if($reseller["limit_frontpage"] != 1) {
    //$doc->deck[0]->elements[22]->visible = 0;
    $doc->deck[6]->elements[5]->visible 0;
    which for some reason element 22 is ACTUALLY the php_safe_mode option and it's somehow 22 and not 18 as per usual.....

    any idea where this is messed up so I can try and correct my system?

    If I disable this my PHP Safe Mode is visible again and if I use the option it does actually save the php safe mode settings.. it's just mistaken to be frontpage extensions in ISPC....
  10. djtremors

    djtremors New Member

    FYI. I've repaired my database.

    isp_isp_web and isp_isp_user had changes to the table structure which I had to just cut in/out whatever fields needed to make it line up and work.

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