ISPConfig released

Discussion in 'General' started by till, Oct 16, 2009.

  1. wammy28

    wammy28 New Member

    Thanks Till, I'll try it. I'm away from my office. I'll do it this holiday.
  2. mmidgett

    mmidgett Member

    On Ubuntu 9.04 64bit host with 32bit VM I upgraded from to - There was some errors at the bottom of the scrip about "then" but didn't seem to affect anything. All services started. As far as I know of everything is working except were it overwrote my https config on my ispconfig interface. Will post more are I tinker tonight with it.
  3. wammy28

    wammy28 New Member

    Dear Till
    I check my server. The apache, mysql are running. I had reboot my server. Now when I go to the login page. I can't log in due to unrecognize password. When I call phpmyadmin or webmail, I get blank page. I can login to the server by ssh.You can try at or webmail. These were happened after I upgrade to 3.0.16.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2010
  4. sonicscott

    sonicscott New Member

    I have a similar issue (can't log into the ISPConfig control interface).

    I believe I know what the cause of this is: I typed in the wrong mysql root password during the update process and hit enter before I realized it. :eek:

    Now for the interesting bit: How do I fix this and get the correct mysql root password in there. I tried to re-apply the update, but it said there were no updates available.

  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Use the manual update procedure as described in the first post of this thread.
  6. wammy28

    wammy28 New Member

    I remove the old one and try to install the programs which need for each steps. Now It's back and working again. I will test and look for errors.
  7. sonicscott

    sonicscott New Member

    Tried this and after entering the correct mysql password (I tested the password from the command line) I received this error:

    Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /tmp/ispconfig3_install/install/update.php on line 199
  8. aclasse

    aclasse New Member

    db error after update

    After i updated from Version to some sql tables hasn't any data inside the tables where there but whitout data. While I was updating I got the following error: ERROR 1054 (42S22) at line 101: Unknown column 'user' in 'field list'
    When i started to insert the old data some tables change the format so i had to restore the whole table.

    I think it is not so good to use version with the database from

    Has anybody a good idea how to proceed?

    Thanks for tips!
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Looks as if you changed some tables manually or you had a svn version installed and not the officially released, as the data from version fits perfectly into the database if you did not changed or modified any tables manually. This explains also why the update has failed, you can not update ispconfig if you applied any manual modifications to the tables.
  10. sonicscott

    sonicscott New Member


    Any ideas for my specific error message above (I have not changed anything in the database and I have never used svn - always the stable release versions)?

  11. wammy28

    wammy28 New Member

    Now my server ispconfig works fine. However i can't go to squirrelmail and phpmyadmin again. Everytime I call these pages from http://myipaddress/phpmyadmin or /webmail I will got blank page. Before I can see these pages. I can browse table and database. After I config my website, they've gone again.
    Another error is mysqladmin command
    doesn't work. The error is this.
    I try to put 8080 port after the url or ip address. They work both webmail and phpmyadmin. Now I can log to phpmyadmin and webmail by port 8080. I dig to this forum and found some solutions. If i want to remove the port number what I have to do next.

    Last edited: Jan 17, 2010
  12. aclasse

    aclasse New Member

    db error after update

    Hello Till,

    thx for your replay i inserted everything from the backup and it semms to work fine :)
    I only made one change:In sys_config i changed the value :)

    But another question is:
    When i update is it possible to leave my configs as they are? for example I made changes to the postfix conf?

    BR Andreas
  13. oilyflutesalad

    oilyflutesalad New Member

    You should get the option in update.php to choose whether or not to reconfigure the installed apps. Just say no and your configs won't be touched.
  14. manarak

    manarak Member


    I am going to upgrade from ISPC 3.0.13 to 3.0.16.

    I chose the manual procedure, because the automatic one somehow doesn't work with putty, the screen freezes in the middle of the untar output (list of files being untarred).

    I am stuck at the question "reconfigure services?"

    What consequences does this choice have?
    What will precisely happening if I select "yes" and what will happen if I select "no"?

    Are there other similar questions after that one?
  15. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes will reconfigure services and write new config files and no will leave the config files alone. If you choose no, then some services may not work correctly with the new ispconfig release anymore.
  16. yoplait

    yoplait Member

    It should be great to know the list of the files that would be changed... Is it in the possible for next releases ?
  17. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can see this in SVN. An ISPConfig update always replaces all files.
  18. yoplait

    yoplait Member

    All files like apache.conf ? my.cnf ? php.ini ? squirrelmail conf ? ...etc ?

    Wahou, I didn't thought that ...
  19. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No. I'am talking about ispconfig files not all your linux system files... Most of the files you mentioned are never been edited by ispconfig, neither on install nor on updates.

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