The slaves will not be able to replicate any changes until they have the same ispconfig version then the master.
get_distname This does not seem right, in get_distname() install/lib/install.lib.php 151-169 Code: } elseif(strstr(trim(file_get_contents('/etc/debian_version')),'5.0')) { $distname = 'Debian'; $distver = 'Lenny'; $distid = 'debian40'; $distbaseid = 'debian'; swriteln("Operating System: Debian Lenny or compatible\n"); } elseif(strstr(trim(file_get_contents('/etc/debian_version')),'6.0') || trim(file_get_contents('/etc/debian_version')) == 'squeeze/sid') { $distname = 'Debian'; $distver = 'Squeeze/Sid'; $distid = 'debian60'; $distbaseid = 'debian'; swriteln("Operating System: Debian 6.0 (Squeeze/Sid) or compatible\n"); } elseif(strstr(trim(file_get_contents('/etc/debian_version')),'6.0') || trim(file_get_contents('/etc/debian_version')) == 'wheezy/sid') { $distname = 'Debian'; $distver = 'Wheezy/Sid'; $distid = 'debian60'; $distbaseid = 'debian'; swriteln("Operating System: Debian 7.0 (Wheezy/Sid) or compatible\n"); } Line 163: '6.0' ? The /etc/debian_version file in Wheezy says '7.1' - might be this version - but 6.0 seems wrong.
Yes, thats not right. But it does not matter for the installation, it just isplays a different version on the screen.