Ispconfig 3.1 + theme customization problem

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Yannick Barone, Oct 5, 2016.

  1. Yannick Barone

    Yannick Barone New Member

    Hi all,
    I've just installed an Ispconfig 3.1 server on Ubuntu 16.04.
    We need to customize the theme for our purpose, so I've copied the default theme to a new one, and made the customization needed.

    The problem is when I change the theme of a CP user in the system --> Interface menu, it seems to keep the default one.
    The only way I found to enable the new theme, is to go to the Tools --> Interface menu (where I see that my ceustom theme is selected) and save it.
    But after I log off / Log on, I get the default theme again.

    Am I the only one to have this issue ?


  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I guess you missed to add an ispconfig_version file in your theme see example from 3.0.5:
    ISPConfig checks custom themes for a version file to see if they are compatible with the current version, if the file is missing or does not contain the currently installed ispconfig version, then the system switches back to the default theme.
  3. Yannick Barone

    Yannick Barone New Member

    You are right,
    I've created an ispconfig_version file with 3.1 in it.
    Now it's working fine.
    Thanks a lot ;)


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