ispconfig 3.2 no log

Discussion in 'General' started by dpto. operacoes, Aug 27, 2021.

  1. dpto. operacoes

    dpto. operacoes New Member

    Hello there,
    Here at my work we have a intranet web server ispconfig 3.2 running on debian 10.6 and using private ip but with internet access. On the configuration it has only one client, the company itself but with several different sites. The other sites are just fine. The sales department asked to install a wordpress. I just installed and no error reported, then on the login page wp-login.php, typed the username and password and show " Error 403 - Forbidden. The following error occurred: You are not permitted to access the requested URL. Please contact the webmaster with any queries. ". The directories are 755 and files are 644. Also the log files are empty.

    tail -f 20201027-access.log
    tail: cannot open '20201027-access.log' for reading: No such file or directory
    tail: no files remaining

    The /var/log/apache2/ is not the log for the sites. The apache2.service has been restarted but nothing has changed.
    I just don't know what else to check.

    Have a nice day!
  2. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    The 403 error is probably not a file/directory permission issue, though I suppose it could be that you don't have suexec enabled for the site, or don't have that apache module enabled (check those).

    Anything in the error.log? I'd start with renaming the .htaccess file for that site, and create a simple test.html page, verify you can access that, then create a simple test.php running phpinfo() and verify you can access that. If both tests are successful, try accessing wp-login.php without your .htaccess in place, and try access test.php with your .htaccess in place.
    dpto. operacoes likes this.
  3. dpto. operacoes

    dpto. operacoes New Member

    I did some test and worked well the phpinfo() and some html file.
    About the log, no log is being written, either access or error log. On the ispconfig site option, the PHP version is PHP-FPM. If I change it to Fast-CGi the php just stop working. I am just stat to think that is something about the php, but no so sure.

    Have a nice day!
  4. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    Did you check suexec ?
    dpto. operacoes likes this.
  5. dpto. operacoes

    dpto. operacoes New Member

    Yes and it apears it is not available for the site, but it is enabled at the server.

    How do I enable suexec inside ispconfig for the site?

    Have a nice day!
  6. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    Ensure it is enabled in the client templates, then it will be a setting in the site. On second thought, there was a feature to always enable it, perhaps it is hidden when always enabled. You may want/need to check file ownership if you change that, and ensure the website files are owned by the user/group of the site, and wp-config.php is not world readable.
    dpto. operacoes likes this.
  7. dpto. operacoes

    dpto. operacoes New Member

    Hey Jesse , thanks a lot! Thank you for your help and tips!

    Have a nice day!
  8. dpto. operacoes

    dpto. operacoes New Member

    Hey Jesse , thanks a lot! Thank you for your help and tips!

    Have a nice day!

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