ISPConfig 3.2 SSL for primary host

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Kevin Brackley, Jan 13, 2023.

  1. Kevin Brackley

    Kevin Brackley New Member

    I installed ispconfig 3.2 using the Perfect Server Automated installation (

    The first server installation I had to remove the self-signed certificates in /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/ssl and re-run --force to get Let's Encrypt (via to create a LE signed certificate.

    I installed a second server, but I can't get this to work. The ispserver.pem seems to be updating, but I am still getting a self-signed certificate for the server "" when I reference it in my Monit installation (

    Of course if I try to access the host/server name on Apache, I get the first domain certificate that is installed due to SNI.

    Should I create a website for the host of the ISPConfig installation and then link the certs that Let's Encrypt creates for it to the interface/ssl/ directory?

    Some background: I have modified the /etc/monit/monitrc to include the following:
    And I am reference the cert for Monit there. This worked perfectly on the first/primary and master CP server (that is both Monit and PureFTP are running with the LE certificate).
  2. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Is both server behind a NAT router? If so check your router configs / settings. If they are already correct and working, check the LE FAQ to troubleshoot why the second server cannot obtain proper LE SSL certs for its hostname FQDN.

    If this is a multi server setup, you should follow the relevant tutorials and should not run multiple ISPConfig panel except only one on the master. By LE SSL earlier design in ISPConfig, server not running web server may also obtain LE SSL certs, and I think it is still working the same in the latest ISPConfig.

    No and this won't work especially if you are using acme. sh LE Client on your server, plus the renewal config for website is different from renewal config for the server which you may need to modify if you choose pursue with this option.
  3. Kevin Brackley

    Kevin Brackley New Member

    No NAT router. I am not running the panel on the 2nd server. I'm running multiple servers, but the 2nd (and planned future) servers are "slave" servers with one host running the configuration panel. Each additional server is installed via:
    wget -O - | sh -s -- --ssh-port=420 --ssh-password-authentication=no --ssh-permit-root=no --no-mailman --use-php=8.0,8.1,7.4 --monit [email protected] --no-dns --use-ftp-ports=40110-40210 --lang=en --unattended-upgrades --interactive
    LE is running and generates the certificate for the server, but it does not install it into the /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/ssl directory...and the pure-ftpd, etc. certs are linked to this one, which by default is self-signed.

    I had the same problem on the first/primary server. I fixed it by following another thread that had me backup the self-signed certs and --force run the installation again. This technique did not work on the 2nd server.

    EDIT: Note that when I created a host for the second server, e.g., on the 2nd server, it created a new PEM file that is valid and that created a PEM file with the new LE cert and that replaced the self-signed PEM in /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/ssl/ directory. Now I'm afraid to delete the website :-/
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2023
  4. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    How do you know the pem file is created from LE SSL certs now because you said it shows self-signed when you opened monit web, but if it does, why is the question again?
  5. Kevin Brackley

    Kevin Brackley New Member

    I only assumed it was because the same certificate that is located in /root/ is now in the PEM file.

    I had posted my question earlier today and had to move on. So I am trying to learn best practices, but also trying to migrate and get things done.
  6. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    This /etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd.pem is normally a symlink to /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/ssl/ispserver.pem which means your monit web should work with LE SSL certs if it was using that, but it doesn't. Can you force update ISPConfig again and try to create SSL certs again during the process? Note if the process say it is generating self-signed SSL certs instead.
  7. Kevin Brackley

    Kevin Brackley New Member

    Yes. Until I created a site with the cp hostname, the certs in /usr/local/ispconfig/interfaces/ssl was a self-signed cert created during the initial ISPC server installation.

    The same thing happened on the "master" ISPC server. I followed a thread here that helped me resolve this on the master cp server, but this trick did not work on the 2nd server.
    cd /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/ssl/
    mv ispserver.crt ispserver.crt-$(date +"%y%m%d%H%M%S").bak
    mv ispserver.key ispserver.key-$(date +"%y%m%d%H%M%S").bak
    mv ispserver.pem ispserver.pem-$(date +"%y%m%d%H%M%S").bak —force
    The LE log shows that an ssl cert was created, and it ran the post script, but the PEM file still contained the self-signed cert.
  8. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    It will definitely failed since you created website for it.
    You said:
    I replied:
    And though this won't harm your server, you should not do this on the first server too:
    ISPConfig installer takes care of that.
  9. Kevin Brackley

    Kevin Brackley New Member

    I didn't create the website for it until everything else I tried didn't work. Now it works, and now I'm afraid to delete it :)
  10. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    It actually does not work because ISPConfig ispserver.pem will fail to be automatically updated in the future. Anyway, it is your server, do to it whatever you like.
  11. Kevin Brackley

    Kevin Brackley New Member

    As soon as I figure out how the host ssl cert for got into the PEM file in /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/ssl I will be able to replicate this. There is an issue with the isp server ssl cert generation I just don't know what the problem is, but others here have solved it by forcing the re-install after removing the self-signed certs. That's why I came here for answers. I understand what I did is going to cause issues, but until someone can tell me how to fix the issue I'm stuck.
  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can leave the site there as it is, but as @ahrasis mentioned, SSL renewal for ISPConfig cert will fail then in future. This means you must replace the SSL certs in /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/ssl/ then with symlinks to the original SSL cert in /root/ as will not update the ispconfig certs anymore on its own, it will only update the certs of that website.

    There are no general issues with the SSL cert of the CP in ISPConfig, issues appear only when users have not created DNS records for their hostname before they install the server and refuses to issue a cert then of course, but this is not related to ISPConfig and gets fixed vy just running a forced update again. If you start messing around with certs manually though and creating a site for the hostname which is known to mess up your setup as is not able to handle this situation and overwrites the first cert, things get worse and can not be fixed automatically anymore by running an update and you have to fix it manually then.
    ahrasis likes this.
  13. Kevin Brackley

    Kevin Brackley New Member

    I think I know where my problem lies. I'm on my 5th ISPC server. The DNS is fine. But on a new server, the firewall has not be set up to allow HTTP access on a new installation.
    [Tue Jan 17 04:03:10 PM CST 2023] Please check log file for more details: /var/log/ispconfig/acme.log
    Issuing certificate via failed. Please check that your hostname can be verified by letsencrypt
    Could not issue letsencrypt certificate, falling back to self-signed.
    This is a new installation, so no firewall settings have been created during this phase of the installation. Am I doing something in the wrong order?
  14. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    New? Most probably the hostname is not properly propagated yet.
  15. Kevin Brackley

    Kevin Brackley New Member

    The domain was assigned to the server instance weeks ago. DNS resolves locally and externally. In testing, I've reinstalled the base OS (ip addresses/DNS does NOT change). I run the install script. When I say *NEW* I mean NEW to ISPConfig.

    EDIT: Can IPv6 be the issue? I noticed just now when I ran the script, it is downloading from via the IPv6 address...I do not have the DNS configured for that, just the IPv4 address.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2023
  16. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Could be, but it is designed to work for both, so not sure about that. The best is to follow LE FAQ to troubleshoot.
  17. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig is not activating any firewalls or blocks any ports. If you don't start from a clean and empty system, means you already have installed software like a firewall and configured it to block ports, then you must ensure that you alter your manual config upfront of the install to allow access by http as Let's encrypt uses http to reach your system and verify the SSL cert.

    IPv6 can be an issue for LE, but only if your hostname exists as IPV6 record without working IPv6 networking, as LE will then try to reach your system via IPv6 and fails.
  18. Kevin Brackley

    Kevin Brackley New Member

    Yeah, Ubuntu with our hosting partner Vultr seems to enable ufw by default. This is a clean install--no other software, etc. I let ispconfig do everything, or try anyway.

    I'm wrapping up here, thanks for both of your responses and help. A lot of this is understanding how things are supposed to work--that is, things are probably working as designed--just not what I am used to.

    I do see that I am asked to create an SSL certificate twice during the ispconfig installation...the first prompt creates a self-signed cert; the 2nd one a few steps later is

    So one last lame question to put this thread to bed if I may: the ssl cert created during the server installation is NOT linked to apache, is that correct? That is, if I access or https://...:2812 we're using the symlnked cert to /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/ssl/ispserver.pem ... but since I don't have a website or vhost defined for the server itself, I don't have ssl?

    I would like to be able to redirect traffic coming in at the server to port 80/443 or provide a landing page. From another thread I had, created a vhost for the server itself is not recommended. Is it recommended that I modify the default-ssl.conf and replace the boilerplate ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem to the cert generated by acme?

    Thanks again for your and ahrasis' help!
  19. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If you use the auto-installer, no self-signed SSL certificate is created first. The auto-installer creates a self-signed SSL cert only if let's encrypt fails, as your system would not work when there is no SSL cert. The Let's encrypt (or fallback self-signed cert) is configured for the ISPConfig GUI, for the mail system, and for the FTP server.

    This file is not managed by ISPConfig, so you can alter it in the way you like without it getting overridden by ISPConfig.
  20. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Actually I think he means the self-signed for postfix which is the first SSL created by ISPConfig.

    The second one is correctly meant for the server where the first attempt is to obtain LE SS certs, but if thay failed, self-signed SSL certs will be created.

    The "revamp" of ISPConfig install lib file may be needed to avoid the above "duplicity" since the later will overwrite the former at the end.
    Kevin Brackley likes this.

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