Hello and good morning. I have had intermittent issues with logging into ISP Config Dashboard. When logging in, there is a spinner that will not disappear. The News side bar flashes and does not fully display either. Restarting apache or mysql did not resolve the issue. Rebooting the server did not resolve the issue. Rebooting my computer partially resolved the issue. I was able to click on the navigation bar to stop the spinner from spinning. What could be the problem here? I am running openSuse 13.2
Does it start working when you empty the new feed fields under system > interface config? If yes, then your server might have a problem to reach the feed url at ispconfig.org.
Till, I cant click on any of the menu items after logging in. Here is a screenshot. Update: I was able to access the dashboard by repeatedly clicking on some of the items in the Web Nav Bar. However, I do not see the option to clear the cache. System -> Interface But I do not see where you are directing me to.
Logout and then login again if you want to clear the feed cache. System > Interface > Main config > Misc > Dashboard atom feed URL
@reason8: According to your screenshot, you seem to have some kind of html frame in your browser window, right? So you should try t clear the browser cache in your web browser as well, it might be that your browser has still cached some files (html or css) from an older ISPConfig version. And you should close the browser once after logging out and before you login again, missed that in my prior post.
@till Sorry for the delay in responding. Have been a bit busy. Yes. There is, what seems to be, a html frame. Clearing the browser cache does not work. Restarting apache2 does the trick most times. I' not sure what the root cause it.
Update: Started using chrome. After refreshing the page a couple of times, the problem goes away. In firefox this does not work all the time.
Really strange and I'm not aware of any similar reports nor can I reproduce that here. If you need someone to look at the issue directly on your server then you might want to contact Florian here: http://www.ispconfig.org/get-support/?type=ispconfig
Thanks Till. I seem to have resolved the issue. Downgrading phpmyadmin to 4.0 seems to have resolved the issue. I realized this as I was looking for a phpMyadmin fix for errors when trying to export. Rolling back the versions 1 at a time, I found my issue with the export had been resolved and the browser issue as well in ISPConfig. Is this a bug?
I don't see how PHPMyAdmin can interfere with ispconfig at all if it is installed in a separate vhost. Maybe your PHPMyAdmin update overwrote system files or changed PHP settings.
No idea. But I was looking into the PHP problem (not being able to export from the export tab). The upgrade for phpmyadmin suggested not updating phpmyadmin over/ontop of the current version of phpmyadmin. So I suspected this may have been the issue. I tried upgrading, phpmyadmin, a version forward but it wanted a newer version of mysql. I reverted back 1 and then 2 versions but it still would not allow exporting. After reverting to 4.0, exporting worked! I then noticed the ISPConfig Gui was not having the issue in Firefox. So I am not sure what has been upgraded incorrectly. I am simply running either the ispconfig update scripts of the full installer when the updater will not work.