ISPConfig 3 and Debian Jessie

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by ZeroEnna, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Debain 7 used apache 2.2, Debian jessie uses apache 2.4, the apache config syntax hs changed between these versions. therefor it is required to run a ispconfig update with "reconfigure services" first, then login to ispconfig, go to tools Y resync and run a resync on the websites. This will convert all vhosts to the apache 2.4 syntax.
    radim_h likes this.
  2. manolopm

    manolopm New Member

    I did a dist-upgrade, now I'm trying to do a to do a "reconfigure services" but it saids "There are no updates available for ISPConfig" . I suposse that I should force it to convert the vhosts to apache 2.4 syntax but I don't know how.
  3. manolopm

    manolopm New Member

    Ok. I found a solution. I don't know if this is the correct way, but it works for me.
    I change in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf :
    This line:
    IncludeOptional sites-enabled/*.conf
    By this other one
    IncludeOptional sites-enabled/

    So apache now load the vhosts files and all seems to work as it should.
  4. bch

    bch Member

    You should do a manual update:
  5. Bonzo

    Bonzo New Member

    Any news about the error radim described ? I have the same issue.

    Apr 28 21:20:35 vps000[214]: Checking quotas...
    Apr 28 21:20:35 vps000 systemd[1]: quota.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
    Apr 28 21:20:35 vps000 systemd[1]: Failed to start Check And Enable File System Quotas.
    Apr 28 21:20:35 vps000 systemd[1]: Unit quota.service entered failed state.
  6. radim_h

    radim_h Member

  7. Bonzo

    Bonzo New Member

    If you manually start the quota service after boot (service quota start) the service starts without error. Maybe some systemd dependency problem ?
  8. radim_h

    radim_h Member

    I'm also having problem with FTP
    when tried to login over non-secured connection, getting message
    [WARNING] Authentication failed for user [c0abc]
    when tried over TLS, gettign message
    [WARNING] Sorry, cleartext sessions are not accepted on this server.#012Please reconnect using SSL/TLS security mechanisms.

    EDIT - SOLVED: pureftpd daemon seems to have problem with /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/TLSCipherSuite - which is there by default installation now
    when deleted, both uncrypted and crypted login ways are working!
    I thought it may be caused by totalcmd or Filezilla, but have no idea, why also unencrypted connection is not working then....
    Last edited: May 4, 2015
    till and Bonzo like this.
  9. bradgillap

    bradgillap New Member

    I'm in this situation as well. How do I proceed?

    "I did a dist-upgrade, now I'm trying to do a to do a "reconfigure services" but it saids "There are no updates available for ISPConfig" . I suposse that I should force it to convert the vhosts to apache 2.4 syntax but I don't know how"
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Use the manual update instructions from release notes:

    cd /tmp
    tar xvfz ISPConfig-3-stable.tar.gz
    cd ispconfig3_install/install
    php -q update.php
  11. bradgillap

    bradgillap New Member

    Okay, thank you. Did tools > resync as well for the vhosts.
    I'm still getting some vhost issues I think though as all the sites are error 403 forbidden.

    Shall the script create a ISPConfig backup in /var/backup/ now? (yes,no) [yes]:
    Creating backup of "/usr/local/ispconfig" directory...
    Creating backup of "/etc" directory...
    Checking ISPConfig database .. OK
    Starting incremental database update.
    Reconfigure Permissions in master database? (yes,no) [no]:
    Reconfigure Services? (yes,no) [yes]:
    Configuring Postfix
    Configuring Jailkit
    Configuring Dovecot
    Configuring Spamassassin
    Configuring Amavisd
    Configuring Getmail
    Configuring Pureftpd
    Failed to get D-Bus connection: Unknown error -1
    Configuring BIND
    Configuring Apache
    Configuring vlogger
    Configuring Apps vhost
    Configuring Database
    Configuring Bastille Firewall
    Updating ISPConfig
    ISPConfig Port [8080]:
    Create new ISPConfig SSL certificate (yes,no) [no]:
    Reconfigure Crontab? (yes,no) [yes]:
    Updating Crontab
    Restarting services ...
    Failed to get D-Bus connection: Unknown error -1
    Failed to get D-Bus connection: Unknown error -1
    Failed to get D-Bus connection: Unknown error -1
    Failed to get D-Bus connection: Unknown error -1
    Failed to get D-Bus connection: Unknown error -1
    Failed to get D-Bus connection: Unknown error -1
    Update finished.
    Last edited: May 7, 2015
  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  13. SamTzu

    SamTzu Active Member

  14. maurotb

    maurotb New Member

    Same problem here...
    I have resolved with:
    Change /etc/fstab
    delete /home/quota.user and
    remount quota fs or reboot
    create new aquota.use
    quotacheck -avcugm
  15. ande

    ande Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I just wanted to add that I did a successful dist-upgrade from Debian wheezy (7) to jessica (8) and everything seems to run fine - but I had to do a manual update from ISPConfig 3 as described in this thread and on other pages: It is not sufficient to execute "" if you have the newest version of ISPConfig already because ISPconfig thinks there's nothing to do. You need to download a new package even if you have that version already installed and proceed from there.

    Many thanks!
  16. radim_h

    radim_h Member

  17. webmaster-eddie

    webmaster-eddie New Member

    I have been unsuccessful trying to get apache2 mpm_event to work with this setup - jessie, apache 2.4, squirrelmail isponcig3, postfix and dovecot. Is it possible, and can you give a guideline about steps to take? I know that I have to remove mod_php5 and mpm_prefork and mpm_worker. But ISPConfig3 rysnc doesn't provide something usable for mpm_event. Is it suppossed to, and will you support this (mpm_event is the best reason to move to apache 2.4 - and the best performing way to run apache 2.4)

    Thanks for a response.

  18. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

  19. radim_h

    radim_h Member

    Quota is installed, when it is restarted afger system start, it works, but idliek to have a clean solution... Maybe its caused by wrong services startup order ?
  20. Raziel

    Raziel New Member

    To fix Debian Jessie "[FAILED] Failed to start Check And Enable File System Quotas" problem, you must start the Quota Service after the local filesystem has been mounted.
    In order to do this, append to /lib/systemd/system/quota.service in the After= section, restart, and check that everything is ok with journalctl or systemctl status.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2016
    florian030 likes this.

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