Your system has most likely DNS resolving issues after BIND gets restarted, which then causes the download and installation of further packages to fail. That's something specific to your system image and does not happen on clean standard installs like or
Thanks, ahrasis that did it. But how do I access ispconfig, I usually would access it via [serverIP]:8080, but that doesn't seem to work. I have checked if I can see the usual "This is the default page for this site... etc" with just the [serverip] but nothing Apache is running.
I seem to have made abooboo how do I reset the fireall to defaults, I cannot do anything with the server remotely since I set the fire wall ports, I set them as described 20,21,22,25,53,80,110,143,443,465,587,993,995,8080,8081,40110:40210. But ALL traffic is blocked cannot even get a ping response
print the current status to debug later: Code: iptables -S ufw status then disable ufw: Code: ufw disable
OK, server rebuilt but cannot reach a site I have created, "Yes I do own the site domain" Also SSL certs are not being created
To get some context, start with this: For missing cert, follow this: My guess for both issues is the domain name does not point to this server in DNS name service.
If I change the mysql root password, are there any other locations that it needs to be changed in a fresh install?
Hi Taleman, I think updating these posts might be a good idea; one is six years old, and one is ten years old. A lot has changed in ISPC3 in that time.
Both posts are completely up to date. One post shows that it was last updated Mar 24, 2022, and the other one shows the last updated date Feb 26, 2023. I'm curious now, so what has been changed in ISPConfig that is not in line with the info found in these two posts? I'm sure you can tell me the exact details as you won't have claimed such a thing otherwise, right?
Hey Wooow there till.... Friend here! No need to shoot me down in flames for making a mistake! Explanation; I saw the date of the post, but I was not aware that it had been updated, I recall at some point on here regarding certbots and script, which was not used on some of my previous installations, and wrongly thought they might be outdated because of them. I didn't mean to offend or have a go at anyone. FYI; I have just started donating again to this project.
Yes, you must change it in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf . I found that info with Internet Search Engines using Code: ispconfig mysql root password
Hi all One last thing before I have to rebuild both my DNS, i have one little question. I have rebuilt my main server from scratch. I have had glue records inserted/updated with my domain provider. I have had reverse DNS installed with my internet provider. I have deleted and reinstalled ISPConfig on my current DNS servers. but still, when I do a dig using my new IP addresses pointing at my DNS servers, I get my old IP addresses dig @ any I think this is why my domain name is not resolving, as I can get to it using the public IP but not with the name Any idea why I am getting my old IP addresses?
Normally because the new one is not properly propagated yet. If done correctly it could take up to 72 hours sometimes.
Thanks for the input ahrasis Then this proves there is something wrong as the records were done more than 72 hours on Monday to be correct (144 hours). Never mind. I will try something else.
What do you mean? ISPConfig does not do any DNS caching itself, your system / ISP's DNS servers might.