restore a website I'm using the back-res ver0.9.6 on centos 6.5 ISPCONFIG 3 box, how do I restore one website. These is no direction for this in the header of the back-res program. Thanks
Dear All, I tried to execute /etc/back-res and I get the following message: Code: /bin/tar: You must specify one of the '-Acdtrux', '--delete' or '--test-label' options Try '/bin/tar --help' or '/bin/tar --usage' for more information. Should I add one of those values into one of the following lines? Code: ARG="-cjpSPf" #sparse # tar arguments P = removed /. EARG="-xjpf" # tar extract arguments P = removed / Thank you very much for your help. Best
Hello When I restore dirs... Code: Extracting i_var_spool-2014-08-25.tar.bz2... Extracting i_sbin-2014-08-25.tar.bz2... Extracting i_var_www_ispconfig-2014-08-25.tar.bz2... find: `//all': No such file or directory ---------------------=== The back-res script by go0ogl3 ===--------------------- For a clean backup restored at 2014-08-25 we need now to delete the files created after the backup date. If exists, a list of files to be deleted follows: Please input "yes" to delete those files, if they exist, and press [ENTER]: yes All restore jobs done! Dir all restored to date 2014-08-25! find: `//all': No such file or directory What is this error? Thanks in advance
Just for them that want automatically MySQL login, you can set dbpassword var as: dbpassword=$(cat /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf | grep '$clientdb_password' | cut -d"'" -f 2)
Hi, how can I move date of full backup? By this script I make backup of four server to one backup storage. When is firtst of month it is lot of data. So I need to move full backup like 1. 10. 20. 28. of the month. Thanks.
Hi, Great solution, but ... i need to export to FTP, so i modify a part of script : in Variable i had : FTPLOGIN="login" # FTP Login FTPPASS="yourpassword" # FTP Password FTP="" # FTP serveur and TLS="--disable-tls" # Choose --disable-tls for no tls --force-tls to force using TLS and at the end of the backup function i add wput $TLS --basename=$BACKUPDIR"/" $BACKUPDIR"/" ftp://$FTPLOGIN:$FTPPASS@$FTP You may need to : apt-get install wput Very great script Regards
Hi, how can i prevent the backup script from creating data in local folder /mnt when nfs-sharepoint is not mounted? is there a method to limit the backup cycles to a max number? because my nfs-share runs full.
You can use parameter: maxp="85" # Max percent of used space before start of delete will it help you?
No, there are other applications using this device heavily and use much space. and the server only use 150gigs so far. so it would be better so set the available space for the backup-script to e.g. 500gb
Hm... I keep getting: line 408: [: too many arguments When I'm running my backups. Any suggestions?
looks like there are a number of versions of this script, probably need to indicate which one you're using, or maybe paste a few lines above/below 408 to see what yours is doing there.
I'm using "version="0.9.6 from 2014-02-04"" for i in `echo $DIRECTORIES` ; do XX=`echo $i | awk '{gsub("/", "_", $0); print}'` YX=`echo $i | awk '{print $1}'` fb=`ls $BACKUPDIR | grep ^full$XX-` --> 408 is this if [ -z $fb ] ; then log "No full backup found for $YX. Full backup now!" echo > $tmpdir/full-backup$XX.lck $TAR $ARG $BACKUPDIR/full$XX-$FDATE.tar.bz2 $YX -X $tmpdir/excluded log "Backup of $YX done." fi # Monthly full backup if [ $DOM = "01" ] ; then log "Starting full monthly backup for: $YX" $TAR $ARG $BACKUPDIR/full$XX-$FDATE.tar.bz2 $YX -X $tmpdir/excluded log "Full monthly backup for $YX done." else # If it's not the first day of the month we make incremental backup if [ ! -e $tmpdir/full-backup$XX.lck ] ; then log "Starting daily backup for: $YX" NEWER="--newer $FDATE" $TAR $NEWER $ARG $BACKUPDIR/$MDATE/i$XX-$FDATE.tar.bz2 $YX -X $tmpdir/excluded log "Daily backup for $YX done." else log "Lock file for $YX full backup exists!" fi fi # Clean full backup directory lock file rm -rf $tmpdir/full-backup$XX.lck done
Change that to (add quotes): if [ -z "$fb" ]; then The line 407 ls command is listing several matches, which produces the syntax error; you can see what's going on here: Code: $ fb="1thing" $ if [ -z $fb ]; then echo yes; else echo no; fi no $ fb="1thing 2things" $ if [ -z $fb ]; then echo yes; else echo no; fi bash: [: 1thing: binary operator expected no $ fb="1thing 2things 3things" $ if [ -z $fb ]; then echo yes; else echo no; fi bash: [: too many arguments no $ if [ -z "$fb" ]; then echo yes; else echo no; fi no $
I'm using 0.96 and I have the same error like mentioned by others above, but I could not see a solution. Could anybody help? note : Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead mysqldump: Got error: 1044: Access denied for user 'xxxx'@'localhost' to database 'information_schema' when using LOCK TABLES -- Warning: Skipping the data of table mysql.event. Specify the --events option explicitly. mysqldump: Got error: 1142: SELECT,LOCK TABL command denied to user 'xxxx'@'localhost' for table 'cond_instances' when using LOCK TABLES /bin/tar: /www: Cannot stat: No such file or directory /bin/tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors Can this really be ignored? The log file says 'All backup jobs done. Exiting script!'
Yes. I can't copy information_schema for some reason I changed to WWWDIR="www" and the cannot stat disappeared at least..
Hi friends, using for Apache2 accounts an external path to /var, for example on the system root "/MYAPACHE", how I should configure the "WWWDIR" variable, considering that the script requires it being within var? could be so? Code: WWWDIR="../MYAPACHE" # Directory holding websites (global) (must reside in VARDIR!) Many thanks!
Hi, I'm looking to migrate only email accounts with their email content, is it possible ? Thanks, Indicium
Hi, better use some imapcopy tools.