ISPConfig 3 Billing Module

Discussion in 'General' started by till, Jul 7, 2011.

  1. arek_bednarczyk

    arek_bednarczyk New Member

    I know where is problem: Mail is not sending if client don't have any product. And if they want buy any product, or change their data then mails are not send.
    No one for admin, and no one for customer...
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Working fine for me. You need to set the company email address under Company in the billing module.
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Just a note, in case that you have created this customer before you installed the billing module, then check that the customer is assigned to the correct company by clicking on billing > client list > settings button of this client in the list and in the settings, check that everything is correct and click on save.
  4. SupuS

    SupuS Member HowtoForge Supporter

  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    We are working on the new manual and will make it available on that page. I'am sorry that it is a bit delayed due to the fast bugfix releases of ispconfig.

    If you have a specific question on one of the new functions, then I will try to answer it here or write me an email with your questions.
  6. SupuS

    SupuS Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Hi till,

    well manual is not available yet so here is what I would like to set. I am writing it here because it may help other users :)

    What I need:

    1) create recurring proforma invoice which will be automatically generated 14 days before "Next payment" day and emailed to customer contact email
    2) reminder to this proforma invoice should automatically send warning 5 and 1 days before "Next payment" day
    3) reminder should automatically send information about cancelation of webhosting on "Next payment" day with message about cancelation webhosting after 5 days from "Next payment" day

    What I did:

    1) In Global Settings => Cron settings for recurring invoices:
    - Send invoices by email - checked
    - Create proforma invoices - checked
    - Active - checked

    2) I created recurring item with next payment and start date in future (date + 15) and set reminder to 12,11,5

    3) no proforma invoice was generated and no reminder mail was sent

    Thank you for your help
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This shoul generally work, at least the proforma invoice part. but i must say that i havent used the system to create invoices in advance of the billing date. Seems as if the cronjob is not running on your server. Please contact our support by email so we can investigate the problem.
  8. anvarit

    anvarit New Member

    Front end - CRM

    Is there an ETA for the front end / CRM? I'm very interested in the billing module but also need a front end for it so that customers can buy hosting in the front end and the billing module takes care of the rest.
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Currently we have only a API to integrate the billing module into existing sites and plugins that add a shop like functionality for existing customers to order additional domains from within ispconfig.

    We are working on a external shop front end but I cant give you a ETA yet when its finished.
  10. SupuS

    SupuS Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Multiple recipients


    is there a way to define more mail recipients for one client? Our customers wants get email with invoice to two or three mail addresses quite often. I tried put more email addresses to client email field with few separators but without success :)

  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Currently a client can have only one email address were he receives the invoice to. I've added your feature request to the bugtracker.
  12. Amorphous

    Amorphous New Member

    hello till, i was very busy in the last 2 years, i have bought from you the biiling module, but since the last update, and full reinstall of the web server OS i haven t installed back the billing module .... of course, after a very thourough search in my saved files i was confronted with the possibility that i have lost the archives ... can you please send me an e-mail to resend to you the paypal receipts in order to get a new archive with the billing module from you ? thank you very much ......
  13. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer


    please send me an email to info [at] ispconfig [dot] org, I will send you the billing module again then.

    Best Regards

  14. pititis

    pititis Member

    Missing dashlets


    The dashlets "My Data", "My Products" and "Order" are not working for me anymore (it was before with I can't find nothing about it in the bugtracker sorry.

    I'm using and REV-5

    Any idea please?
  15. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I've no problems on my install here. Please contact me by email so I can send you the internediate release rev-10, maybe this helps. Do you use a custom theme?
  16. pititis

    pititis Member

    Ok thanks, I have send you an email.

    No, I don't use custom theme.
  17. maileh

    maileh Member

    Automatic Process

    Hi Till
    Any updates on above txt.

  18. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The remote api exists for quite some time, so you can integrate the billing module into your website. We are working now on a refernece implementation for the api, so that you can use it directly when you dont have a website already were you want to integrate the billing.
  19. menak

    menak New Member

    Three questions

    • How can an invoice be deleted? I tried around a bit created an invoice and a recurring invoice and can't get rid of the test invoices.
    • Do I have to recreate the customers to be able to use them with the billing module?
    • How can I change the layout of the pdf used for invoices?
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2014
  20. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Invoices that have been finalized can not be deleted trough the billing module as this is against fiscal laws in most countries. If you want to reset the billing module to delete test invoices, then delet all records in the "billing_invoice" and billing_invoice_item" in the ispconfig database table with e.g. phpmyadmin.

    No. Just open the client settings of the client that des not apper in the billing module and press save.

    The invoice templates are in subfolders of the path /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/billing/templates/pdf_invoice/

    To create a custom template, make a copy of one of the existing folders (use chars, numbers and underscore for the folder name). Then edit the file make_pdf_invoice.php inside the folder and adjust the class name so that it matches your folder name. e.g. if your invoice template folder is nymed "mycompany", then change the line:

    class PDFInvoice_default extends tFPDF

    class PDFInvoice_mycompany extends tFPDF
    the ew invoice template appears automatically in the ispconfig company settings.

    To alte the layout, edit the content of the make_pdf_invoice.php file. A manual for all available functions of the fpdf/tfpdf library can be found here:

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