ispconfig 3 is throttling nginx?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by greydingo, May 3, 2015.

  1. greydingo

    greydingo New Member

    *****(SOLVED)***** I feel retarded. one test was using an ip address and the other test was using a domain name. the domain name lookup is what what throttling it. No problem with isp config.

    ispconfig3 on ubuntu 14.04

    So I've been doing some benchmarks, and sites on my ispconfig 3 server using nginx can't come close to nginx running on a non ispconfig 3 server. My question is if anyone knows what configuration I need to change to get better performance.

    I'm benchmarking with siege. I'm requesting the same file in both tests, a single html file.
    nginx.conf files are identical. So are sites-available confs.

    I'm running HTOP and watching resource usage in real time during the tests. on the DO lemp droplet it maxes out the cpu.
    on the ispconfig 3 server the cpu usage sits at 1-2% then every 4 seconds or so spike to 25-50% cpu usages then drops back to 1-2%. So it is easy to see it is not utilizing all resources

    The following test is on a 512mb 1 core digital ocean droplet running their LEMP image.

    (redacted)@(redacted):~# siege -b -t30s -c100 "url"
    ** SIEGE 3.0.5
    ** Preparing 100 concurrent users for battle.
    The server is now under siege...
    Lifting the server siege... done.

    Transactions: 168272 hits
    Availability: 100.00 %
    Elapsed time: 30.08 secs
    Data transferred: 61.62 MB
    Response time: 0.02 secs
    Transaction rate: 5594.15 trans/sec
    Throughput: 2.05 MB/sec
    Concurrency: 99.00
    Successful transactions: 168272
    Failed transactions: 0
    Longest transaction: 0.15
    Shortest transaction: 0.00

    The following test is on a 2gig 2 core droplet from digital ocean running ispconfig 3 with nginx. It has 1200mb memory free and idles at 1-2% cpu usage
    (redacted)@(redacted):~# siege -b -t30s -c100 "url"
    ** SIEGE 3.0.5
    ** Preparing 100 concurrent users for battle.
    The server is now under siege...
    Lifting the server siege... done.

    Transactions: 5740 hits
    Availability: 100.00 %
    Elapsed time: 29.21 secs
    Data transferred: 0.28 MB
    Response time: 0.47 secs
    Transaction rate: 196.51 trans/sec
    Throughput: 0.01 MB/sec
    Concurrency: 91.46
    Successful transactions: 5740
    Failed transactions: 0
    Longest transaction: 5.19
    Shortest transaction: 0.00

    I've messed with every setting I can think of and am out of ideas. Anyone have any idea whats going on here?
    Last edited: May 4, 2015

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