ISPConfig in a very big corp LAN behind proxy

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by Enrique Becerra, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. Enrique Becerra

    Enrique Becerra New Member

    Hi guys
    I've gone through step by step guides from scratch and had been able to install
    Ubuntu Server 14.04.03 on a Proliant dl120 g7
    ISPConfig latest version,
    All runs fine, and had been able to create users, clients, to add a website, and so.

    But my problem is that I'm in a very big LAN, which is also behind a proxy (for the entire building). If anyone wants Internet, must configure Proxy.
    I can reach server from my PC, access ISPConfig dashboard, etc. but I'm getting a little bit confused about how to work with sites, to access them, etc.
    I only know my PC's and Server's static IP addressess. The entire network is DHCP'ed, and IPs are assigned depending on workstation's Mc Addresses.

    I've searched and found out that ISPConfig manages everything namebased, regarding dns or so, but my knowledge is too far from that.
    How could I play with ISPConfig without going broader from "this connection"? I mean, the proxy guys won't help much in case I need redirections, dns fixes or anything related.

    Thanks a lot in advance,

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