is there a way for clients too use a webftp program such as the one in ispconfig? i see that this functionality is only for resellers and admin logging into the ispconfig system and then clicking on the webftp button, since there is no login/user for siteclients too get into the ispconfig system - is it possible with site clients too login with this using a direct link without having too go through ispconfig's system? - i see that in the /home/admispconfig/web/isp_file contains the webftp pages, would it be possible too configure for example: ? and thus enter their webftp stuff if thats not possible then what is? thanks in advance
Hi alexnz But there is a way for login/user to get access to the ispconfig system. In the admin logon in ispconfig if you change the user name and password for the web you have created in the attachment below.... Then the web client themselfs can not only login to ispconfig they can use any ftp client or the webftp in ispconfig to login to that web account... regards brainz
ok but what about a client wanting too become a reseller is there a easy way too move the client from that group into a reseller group? im just thinking of a client with one website wanting too rent out his subdomains, and thus those people would need ftp access to their localdirectories within the clients www folder, he cant handout his own ftp user/pass, thats why im thinking of linking up isp_file somehow
Hi alexnz Yes i might have to be corrected with this but yes there is a easy way..... If you have setup a client and you want to make him a reseller well what needs to be done is this... create a new reseller account for the existing client that you want to be a reseller... Then move the client account to this new reseller account as well as all the webs the client owns.... provide the client with new reseller account details..... regards brainz
You should teach your customers to use a regular FTP client like WS_FTP or SmartFTP. Web-FTP is just a makeshift for environments where no FTP can be used (because of firewalls, etc.).
yes the main reason for this is too set certian permissions on directories and files in the subdomains users directory if they need things changed, are you able set permissions throught a FTP browser? if so which one?
Hello smartftp does allow you to change permissions on files and folders however with smart ftp i only like it for uploading bulk amounts of files and folders in the correct directory structure.... Also i like to use the web based ftp in ispconfig to change permissions and deleting the odd single file... regards brainz