ISPConfig webmail link giving me a 404 Not found page

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Kwesi, Sep 6, 2022.

  1. Kwesi

    Kwesi New Member

    I have installed ispconfig on an Ubuntu 20.04 vps server and it runs on an nginx 1.18.0 server. I have successfully created a site with ssl and also an email. But on the Email Mailbox, when I try to click the link associated with an email account, I get a 404 Not Found page.

    Could it be that I need to do some configuration on the server? Could it be that I need to do something on ispconfig?

    I am quite new with ispconfig and obviously confused on what next to do to resolve this, and will appreciate any help to resolve this asap.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Webmail on Nginx is on port 8081. You must configure the webmail URL setting for Nginx systems under system > interface > main config. Set it to:


    where server.hostname.tld is the hostname of your server.

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