ISPConfig3 502 Bad Gateway

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by parkerj, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  2. gilson

    gilson Member

    @till I'm trying to install inside ispconfig3_install/install with command ./ but said sudo: ./ command not found can help me? thank
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    gilson likes this.
  4. gilson

    gilson Member

    Ok ok perfect, it was a lack of attention... sorry dear.
  5. gilson

    gilson Member

  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Why do you use sudo? Do you see sudo anywhere in the Debian tutorial? Come on, is it so complicated to simply copy/paste commands from a tutorial to your shell window one after another?
    gilson likes this.
  7. gilson

    gilson Member

    @till sorry, I'm not making it...
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    What is so complicated in following a copy/paste tutorial one step after another? The things you posted as errors today were no commands from the guide, so I have no Idea what you are doing. I can only say that you nowhere do what is written in the install docs as the commands you executed are not in that tutorial. And in case you used the guide, then you must have left many steps out from the tutorial because beside using sudo (which is nowhere mentioned), you must have missed installing PHP before you start the ispconfig installer, but PHP is clearly installed in step 10 of the tutorial, so you can not have run the commands from step 10 if php is missing in step 21 and all the chapters before chapter 21 are required too.

    I posted you the link to the install guide several times now:

    You start with an empty and clean Debian 9 server. The tutorial as 21 steps (chapters) on 3 pages. You start with chapter 1 on page 1:

    and follow it until the end. Then you do everything that is shown on page 2:

    and finally you do all the steps on page 3:

    But maybe it's not the right thing for you to use Linux or administrate a hosting server. Server administration means that you are responsible for that system and when you even fail to copy/paste commands to install it (or type them in instead), then Linux server management might not be the right thing for you in general or you should start with a smaller setup e.g. install a small LAMP system and practice basic Linux commands first.
    gilson likes this.
  9. gilson

    gilson Member

    is it that in your tutorial, as I understand it is to start from the beginning or only from step 21? because of Part 21, he asks for database and I didn't install etc etc etc... I understand a little bit of Linux the basics, the site in question is mine and not of customers, so I have deleted the vps again and I will try again... but I'm confused... I've installed 50X ISP and I've never had any problems... only in this one now
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

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  11. gilson

    gilson Member

    @till finally I did, the normal way and automatically installed the patch... but I'm trying to update the packages and it's making this mistake... what can it be? thank
  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Works fine here. maybe a problem of your server to connect to the package server. Try it again and if it still fails, then check if you block any outgoing connections in s firewall in front of the server.
    gilson likes this.
  13. gilson

    gilson Member

    Still falis... I want to install the WP, but I can't update the packages, so help me.. I need to add what to the firewall? thank
  14. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The server must be able to connecdt via http and https to
    gilson likes this.
  15. gilson

    gilson Member

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