Hello group, I recently setup the latest ISPCONFIG with Ubuntu 14.10 via perfect install. Everything appears to be okay except receiving mail on virtual hosts. I can send and receive mail fine on the domain controller (ns1.myispconfigbox.com) but virtual domain I setup (second domain) can only send mail and not receive. I did create CNAME pop3, A records for ns1 and ns2 for this vhost and no luck. I have telnet to port 25 and to port 110. I can manually place mail on the server and see it via telnet to port 25 but something is glitching with squirrelmail, dovecot or postfix and just not sure where to look. It's like some mail eventually gets through and some does not. On the domain controller it is almost instant and the vhost may never get through. No errors from the sending host so it is getting accepted and then lost. mailq is empty. Any suggestions for configuration I can check appreciated. Thank you, Art
ensure that you created a MX record for the domain and this MX record has to point to an A-Record which points to the IP of your server.
DNS Records confirmation Yes, it does. My MX Record for the second-domain.com is: Hostname: second-domain.com Mailserver Hostname: mail.second-domain.com Priority: 10 TTL: 3600 Active: checked My A Records (3 of them) for second-domain.com are: Hostname: mail IP Address: my real IP address of the nameserver TTL: 3600 Active: checked Hostname: www IP Address: my real IP address of the nameserver TTL: 3600 Active: checked Hostname: second-domain.com IP Address: my real IP address of the nameserver TTL: 3600 Active: checked My CNAME Record for second-domain.com is: Hostname: pop3 Target Hostname: mail.second-domain.com TTL: 86400 Active: checked The additional CNAME for pop3 should not be a problem right?