ispconfig's code

Discussion in 'General' started by marwa, May 5, 2014.

  1. marwa

    marwa New Member

    please i want to know how can i have access to ispconfig'code because i want to modify the interfaces (modify the logo and eliminate some sections because i don't need them ) and some functionnality however i can't access to it, please i need help as soon as possible, it's urgent thanks for responding
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The code from ispconfig is included in the tar.gz that you download when you install ispconfig. So uf you installed ispconfig, then you have the code already.

    If you want to doenload the latest development code, then download it from our git server:

    Btw, these infos and downloads are all listed on ;)

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