Hi all, I have a problem with a 2-server setup The slave server does not elaborate the job queue from yesterday, when the disk goes to 100% Today I have freed some space and rebooted the server but the queue is still there. I set the logging in debug mode but no log I can connect from the slave to the primary mysql with no problems. Do you have some tips? Thank you. Denis
sorry for the auto-reply but I have some new info, enabled finally some log: 21.04.2015-14:10 - DEBUG - Set Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock 21.04.2015-14:10 - DEBUG - Found 37 changes, starting update process. 21.04.2015-14:10 - WARNING - DB::query(SELECT action_id, action_type, action_param FROM sys_remoteaction WHERE server_id = 2 AND action_id > 0 ORDER BY action_id) -> mysql_query SELECT command denied to user 'ispcsrv2'@'xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxx' for table 'sys_remoteaction' PHP Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/classes/db_mysql.inc.php on line 147 /usr/bin/fail2ban-client /sbin/iptables /sbin/ip6tables 21.04.2015-14:10 - DEBUG - Replicated from master: REPLACE INTO mail_user (`mailuser_id`,`sys_userid`,`sys_groupid`,`sys_perm_user`,`sys_perm_group`,`sys_perm_other`,`server_id`,`email`,`password`,`name`,`uid`,`gid`,`maildir`,`quota`,`cc`,`homedir`,`autoresponder`,`autoresponder_start_date`,`autoresponder_end_date`,`autoresponder_text`,`move_junk`,`custom_mailfilter`,`postfix`,`access`,`disableimap`,`disablepop3`,`disabledeliver`,`disablesmtp`,`login`,`disablesieve`,`disablelda`) VALUES ('557','1','2','riud','riud','','2','[email protected]','$1$Eg3bACPS$36WT3iMUSpSJ0M7P9zjx8/','info','5000','5000','/var/vmail/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/info','52428800','','/var/vmail','n','0000-00-00 00:00:00','0000-00-00 00:00:00','','n','','y','n','n','n','n','n','[email protected]','n','n') 21.04.2015-14:10 - DEBUG - Calling function 'user_insert' from plugin 'mail_plugin' raised by event 'mail_user_insert'. And then the process (manually stared) hangs... Any idea? Thank you again
solved skipping two jobs, don't know why =) https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/delete-ispconfig-job-queue.63800/
Is the ispconfig version on master and slave the same? Does the mail_user table on slave has less or other columns then the one on the master?