KDE Desktop and installing a program

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by rbizzell, Apr 14, 2008.

  1. rbizzell

    rbizzell New Member

    I am using the KDE desktop and would like to know how do use install tar files from the gui. I want to install a program. Thanks. What would be the reasoning that one of my harddrives isn't showing up on the computer even though I formatted it for the home directories as a logical drive.
  2. jasonwashere

    jasonwashere New Member

    Open a the terminal window and use:
    tar -xvf /location/of/file/you/want/to/untar

    Not 100% sure about this one but you need to make sure it is mounted, check your /etc/fstab and make sure it is in there. If not use the mount command to mount it where you want e.g.
    "mount /dev/hdc /my/mount/location" or "mount -t type device dir"

    You can also use the df -h command to view your harddrives file system and mount layout.

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