The Dutch government decided today that Internet service Providers need to keep all information for a minimum period of 1 year. This information contains e-mail, surf behaviour, chat sessions, telephone calls/sms and so on. It is a follow up of the European guidelines which tells us that this information must be kept for minimum of 6 months till a maximum of 2 years. Reason for all this: tracebility in case of criminal activities. This means that hosting providers, in my case in The Netherlands, need to keep all incoming/outgoing e-mail on their systems for a period of one year. I am using some ISPConfig servers, and i wonder myself: what is a good setup to keep all incoming/outgoing e-mails on the system or on a seperate e-mail backup system? I think this is an issue to discuss about, because keeping this information is concerning a lot of ISP's in Europe. For this reason, i would like to talk about one ore more solutions within this thread, or even better i would like to suggest a new howto which explains how to handle this.
Take a look at recipient_bcc_maps and sender_bcc_maps on This might be what you're looking for.