I have upgraded ISPConfig on Debian 7 to version 3.1 and installed certbot as described in the manual. When I check "Let's Encrypt SSL" checkbox, SSL tab does not become hidden as described in the manual, but pressing "Save" ISPConfig tries to get the certificate without success. There are no subdomains/aliasdomains other than mydomain.tld and www.mydomain.tld and both are reachable. Code: 2016-10-05 15:00 my.server.name Warning Let's Encrypt SSL Cert for: mydomain.tld could not be issued. 2016-10-05 15:00 my.server.name Debug Let's Encrypt SSL Cert domains: mydomain.tld --domains www.mydomain.tld 2016-10-05 15:00 my.server.name Debug Create Let's Encrypt SSL Cert for: mydomain.tld What other tests could I do?
Please update do ispconfig 3.1dev by running: ispconfig_update.sh and chse "git-stable" as update source. There is a missing whiteline in the vhost template for apache 2.2. Then change a settings in the website, e.g. enable cgi, press save to force an update of the vhost config, then go back to the website settings and enable letsencrypt again (and undo the change that you did before).
That not solved. I notice that after saving (2nd time with letsencrypt set) both SSL and SSL Encrypt flags result unchecked. In SSL tab, SSL key is present but SSL Request and SSL Certificate aren't. Should Locality, State, Org, Org unit and Country be left empty during letsencrypt creation?
This means that letsencrypt could not issue a cert for your domain. Yes. do not do anything on the ssl tab as this will cause letsencrypt to fail.
check the debug log and you can also check the letsencrypt log to see why letsencrypt refused to issue the ssl cert.
Is debug log different from ISPConfig -> Monitor -> Show System-Log after setting log level to "debug"? Where is letsencrypt log?
There should be a log, maybe it's in a different subfolder of /var/log. If you need help by remote login, then please contact Florian from Business support: http://www.ispconfig.org/get-support/?type=ispconfig
I am having the same issues as OP. Please help. I am running Ubuntu 14.04 and I recently updated to ISPConfig 3.1.2 from ISPConfig 3.0 Never mind. The problem was fixed after a system restart.
I had the same problem, Look in /var/log/letsencrypt , Mine was being knocked back because the site was hacked last year and was flagged by a third party as being infected with malware. Just got to track down the third party now. The site was fixed ages ago.