Let's encrypt on sub domain

Discussion in 'General' started by c2h, Apr 7, 2021.

  1. c2h

    c2h New Member

    I have to create a sub domain. Runs fine.
    But when accessing to it, I have the ugly advertissement about non ssl certificate for this subdomain.
    I've remade Let's encrypt certificate with * in subdomains combobox, but it doesn't work.

    What am I missing ?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can't use * for LE certs in ISPConfig. Create the subdomain with the right name in ISPConfig and it gets added to the SSL cert of the site automatically.
  3. c2h

    c2h New Member

    Runs fine : thanks a lot. I was stuck !

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