Let's Encrypt SSL Generation Issue

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Jasgriff, Aug 5, 2016.

  1. Jasgriff

    Jasgriff New Member


    I have recently upgraded to the latest version of ISPConfig 3 and I am loving it so far.
    I do need some help with one of my sites though. I have generated SSL Certificates for nearly all sites now but I am having an issue with one of them.

    After trying to create the certificate multiple times I realized that the domain name in ISPConfig had been incorrectly entered (it was missing a character). This mean the the certificates were no being produced as the website could not be verified. I then changed the domain name and tried again multiple times but it didn't work.

    I have looked at the logs for the SSL process and its failing because it is still trying to create a certificate for the incorrect domain name even though I have changed it in ISPConfig. I considered removing the site and then uploading it again but there are many services already relying on this site so I hoped there would be a way of correcting this without re uploading and configuring cron jobs etc.
  2. Jasgriff

    Jasgriff New Member

    I fixed the issue buy finding the domain name in the ispconfig database and changing the ssl domain name. Lets Encrypt then generated a certificate perfectly.

    Might be worth feeding this back as a bug?
  3. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    what did you change?
  4. Jasgriff

    Jasgriff New Member

    I manually changed the domain name in the SSL domain field in the ispconfig database.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please make a bugreport so we can check that.
  6. Jasgriff

    Jasgriff New Member

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